I nodded to him, letting him know that it was okay, and we all continued our lesson.

The next day, unfortunately, Neville, Dean and I had defence against the dark arts classes again.

I hoped that Alecto had forgotten the episode of the previous day, but I was pretty sure she was going to put me through an hour of hell.

The lesson started, and she hadn't looked at me. Thank God.

I was reading our textbook. We were studying the unforgivable spells, which was strange, because since Dumbledore was alive and he was headmaster of Hogwarts, this type of spells was forbidden. But now Snape was headmaster, and anything could happen.

"Now, the theory is over. Let's practise the Cruciatus Curse" Amycus said, smiling, as this was something to be happy to do.

No one in the class moved, everyone was bewildered by what he had just said. But he continued.

"Let's see" he looked at all of us "yes, Longbottom come here"

Neville stood up uncertainly. He obviously didn't want to do anything related to that curse.

"Alecto, if you will" Alecto nodded, and she went to their office. She came back after few seconds with four first-year students. They looked scared, I felt pity for them.

"C'mon Longbottom. You know the spell" he continued.

Neville didn't move. No one in the room was moving. They all looked petrified for what it was happening, even Slytherins boys and girls.

"So? We don't have all day" Alecto said, but Neville remained impassive.

I couldn't stand any of that, and even though Lupin said that we didn't have to attract attention to them, which I had already done, I stood up and looked at both of them

"None of us will practise the Cruciatus Curse on a person" I said, looking at them and maintaining eye contact.

"Oh, is that so? And who are you to decide what you all will or won't do?"

"it is illegal, wrong and unethical, so, we won't do this, any of us"

They smirked and they both looked at me. They looked amused.

"Come here Nolan" I sighed, and I walked to them "Look at them, choose one of them, and cast the spell. Let's see if you are brave enough to do this" he said in front of everyone

I sighed, I didn't like the situation, but I knew what I was going to do, even though I knew it was going to have bad consequences

I look into his eyes "I'm not a death eater like you two. I don't like to torture people and I won't do it"

I could hear everyone gasp from their seats. They didn't see that coming, and neither the Carrows.

"You little shit" she said

I was quite sure she was going to do it, and I was prepared


"Protego!" I closed my eyes, because I wasn't sure the defensive spell would have worked.

But it turned out it did, so I opened my eyes, and I could see her face. In that moment I thanked Harry in my mind for teaching me it during DA meetings.

She wasn't happy at all. She opened her mouth to say something, but the bell saved me. Everyone packed their stuff and exited the room as fast as they could. I did the same, and I was out of that room before they both noticed that.

"You are crazy, do you know that?" Blaise asked me. he was walking with me to our next class

"I just wanted to let them know that we are not going to let them do whatever they want" he sighed

"give me your school schedule" he said

"Why?" I asked confused.

"just give it to me" I sighed. I searched it in my bag, and once I found it, I gave it to him

"Good. Just give me a minute" he wrote all of my lessons on a piece of parchment

"Blaise what are you doing?" but he didn't answer me, until he had finished

"Now I know all of your classes, I will walk you to every classes. So, I will know you will be safe. The Carrows won't touch a Slytherin" he said. I smiled, I certainly didn't expect it

"Why are you doing this?"

"because I know he would have done the same thing, if he was here"

I sighed. In that moment I realized how much I missed him. I looked at my feet, and I nodded "Thank you"

"No problem"

We continued walking to our next class: transfiguration.

And for the first time I didn't regret having made myself heard. 

Always YouМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя