A New Environment

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Wilbur woke to screaming and crying. His eyes fluttered open, and he groaned closing them due to the harsh sunlight. A hand grasped his sweater, and he squinted his eyes open. He was met by the teary eyes of his little brother.

"Toms?" Wilbur helped prop himself up on his arms, still half asleep. Tommy was quick to wrap his arms around his brother and Wilbur returned the embrace, sitting upright now.

"Wow," another voice spoke, and Wilbur was quick to get on the defence. He noticed the adult standing a couple metres away. The brunette, oblivious to his serious injuries, jumped up and put himself between his brother and the man.

"Stay back," Wilbur choked. Felling suddenly light-headed he stumbled and sway, his body pounding in pain. He collapsed and landed with a thud on his side. His vision went black, and he breathed heavily.

"Mate?!" the adult had possibly moved to his side. Wilbur tried to force his body to move, force his eyes to open.

"Stay away!" Tommy hissed and lay on top of Wilbur's chest protectively.

"I'm only trying to help your brother," the adult whispered. "He needs help." Tommy was silent before the weight was removed from Wilbur's chest. His eyes faded the darkness, and he could see the stranger better now.

"Hey mate," the guy whispered. "My name's Phil, I'm here to help, I promise." Wilbur nodded slowly before wincing as waves of pain rippled through his body. This Phil person took something from his bag, a bottle of liquid, glowing red. "This will help you."

Wilbur looked at him astonished. As f he were going to take some random potion from some strange man. Phil noticed and sighed. "It's going to stop the pain, trust me mate." Wilbur took the potion and took a sip cautiously. Phil wasn't lying.

The boy had instantly gone limp, and the pain faded like the darkness previously blinding him. Phil collected the boy, but Tommy had stopped him. Tears trickled down his face as he pulled at his brother's sweater.

"Don't worry mate," Phil smiled taking the boys hand. "I'm gonna get you both to safety." Tommy stumbled on beside the adult as they made their way. Wilbur had commanded to walk and held his little brother's hand as they continued on.

Tommy coughed rapidly and Wilbur noticed the toll the recent events had taken on his brother. The tired and red eyes, the ash covering most of his body, Wilbur's blood on his hands, dried from the wind. Wilbur pulled his brother closer and smiled hopefully.

They had been walking for a bit and both boys were very tired. Tommy whined and stumbled after Wilbur. The brunette had still not quite recovered from his injuries but was managing for the sake of his brother.

"We're here," Phil smiled seeing the exhausted boys. Tommy's eyes lit up seeing the horse. Wilbur chuckled as his little brother charged towards the tall creature. The blonde boy began to pet one of its legs with intensity.

"It's best we get moving, the sun is getting low," Phil muttered lifting the youngest up onto the horses back and then Wilbur after him. Phil was last to climb onto the horse. Wilbur was pressed between the two and his posture slumped into Phil.

"Not much further," Phil spoke softly getting his horse into a strong trot. Tommy was so excited to be on the back of one of his most favourite creatures and was petting the horse constantly. Wilbur sighed his eyes heavy with exhaustion.

Phil had noticed and placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed gently. Wilbur sat more upright, and they rode in silence. After a bit they had come across a path and the horse sped up. Wilbur leant against his little brother panting heavily.

"Hang in there mate," Phil gripped Wilbur's arm. "We're almost there." Wilbur nodded into his brother's messy hair. Tommy held his brother's hand as stone walls were coming into view.

"W-Wilby..." Wilbur looked up seeing the walls and getting a sudden adrenaline high. He turned to Phil in protest, obviously scared for his little brother. Phil smiled comfortingly as they trotted closer to the two massive wooden doors acting as a gate.

Phil made eye contact with one of the guards on the wall and they were quick to open the gates. Tommy shrunk back into Wilbur's body and the brunette held his brother, protecting him from whatever was going to happen.

As they entered, they were greeted with the eyes of at least 20 people. Wilbur held his brother as the people started whispering and gossiping about the return. Phil continued up towards the supposed castle. Only then did Wilbur realise where they were.

"The Antarctic Empire," he whispered. Phil stopped the horse and collected the boys into his arms entering the castle. Wilbur shivered at the cooler climate of the huge building. People were scattered as Phil strode confidently through the hallways.

"Philza!" a man down the recent hallway they had been travelling called. Wilbur's head spun like the wheel of a ship caught in a current. His mind was trying to understand what he was doing in here with his brother, and why his head hurt so much. He sighed slouching in Phil's arms.

"Bad!" Phil responded and met the person. Wilbur could get a good look at him now. The man appeared to be a demon. He grabbed his brother's arm half-heartedly and glared at this man.

"I heard of your arrival and-" Bad stopped seeing the boys. "Oh my goodness! Are these the survivors?" Phil nodded. "Here let me-" Wilbur growled at the man as he went to grab his brother.

"Don't worry mate," Phil smiled, drawing Wilbur's attention away from his brother who was now taken into the strangers arms. Wilbur heaved a sigh feeling suddenly dizzy again. He groaned going limp in Phil's arms. "Woah mate."

"They need to go to the medic wing," Bad spoke softly. Tommy had fallen asleep in the demon's arms, but Wilbur was too ill to notice. Ringing had started in the brunette's ears, and he panted feeling hot suddenly.

Phil held him gently as they entered a room. Tommy was laid down on a bed and so was Wilbur. The brunette suddenly retrieving his senses back sat up abruptly. The demon was next to him and put a hand on his chest and gently pushed him back into the mattress.

"T-Tommy..." Wilbur shut his eyes curling inwardly in pain. He spluttered and wriggled on the bed. He opened his eyes again and was met with Phil's smiling face. He sighed trying to pull himself closer to the adult beside him. Next thing he knew, he was asleep again.

This time his breathing had remained


woosh- new chapter-

i wrote like 3 whole chapters today so i completely forgot what this one has in it hahah-

but enjoy uwu


Fire Burns All || SBITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon