The World Is Cruel

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Wilbur raced after his little brother who squealed with delight. They had been playing on the beach for a few hours now. The sun bore down into their soft skin. They laughed as they ran around in the hot sand, clearly playing tag.

Tommy ran into the shallow water shooting Wilbur a daring glare. The eldest answered the silent question and ran after him tackling him into the small waves. They giggled and played in the water for a while.

"Wilbur! Tommy!" the two boys looked to see their mother standing near the line between sand and grass. She smiled softly as the two ran up to her and they walked through their little town. They had soon arrived at the little building they called home.

The boys raced inside and ran up to their shared room to play with some of their belongings. They were playing for a bit before the earth rumbled. Wilbur instinctively grabbed Tommy's hand and the 11-year-old dragged his brother downstairs.

Their mother had gone outside to see what was happening. That's when the screams started. Wilbur pulled Tommy close blocking the boys ears as shrieks echoed around them. The 5-year-old started shaking, obviously not enough protection from the terrifying yells of their friends.

Wilbur dragged his younger brother upstairs and into their shared room. He locked the door and they curled up in the corner. The screams slowly began to die down and Wilbur knew what that meant. He held Tommy close who was shaking and holding tears back.

Explosions went off outside and the two held onto each other like lifelines. The explosions stopped and everything went quiet for multiple moments. Wilbur took this chance to stand up. Tommy pulled at his arms for him to stay but he was shushed, and Wilbur tiptoed to the door.

He peaked out the open doorway and saw chaos. Buildings were on fire, people's bodies he gaged and stumbled feeling light-headed from the heat. Which unfortunately wasn't good for him. He stumbled some more, and his foot landed on a TNT stick that had not exploded.

He was intrigued by it. Then boom. It had exploded. Wilbur was thrown back into the wall of his house. He groaned and slumped to the floor. His head pounded with pain as he struggled to sit upright. Ringing shouted in his ears and his vision gone blurry.

Wilbur spluttered, using his forearms to slowly bring himself up. His eyes scanned the area as he looked for any sign of someone coming to hurt him. No one. He stood shakily and stumbled back inside, unaware of the red liquid leaking from his injured body.

He leaned against a wall feeling suddenly dizzy. With a thud he was on the floor panting heavily, he groaned trying to push up from the floor. He failed and lay back down with a groan. His eyes slipped shut and he relished in the darkness where his pained body's screams fell silent.

A hand clutched the back of his shirt sending shivers down the brunette's spine. He groaned but his eyes would not open much to his disappointment. He could hear sobbing and knew it was little Tommy. He tried to open his eyes again finding they peeled open.

He squinted at his surroundings as the light was too much for his dying senses. He hummed slowly closing them again, thinking he had imagined the touch. He was wrong. A hand stroked hair away from his face and the sobbing continued, louder now.

"W-Wilby..." Tommy's voice shook, and Wilbur reopened his eyes. The light had dimmed somehow, and he could see the kid clearer now. He huffed and pulled himself to be sitting upright via the wall. Tommy wrapped his arms around Wilbur and sobbed, shaking vigorously.

"Shhhh," Wilbur's voice cracked as he combed through his brothers consistently messy golden hair. He coughed rapidly his body shaking, weakened after each involuntary action. Tommy clutched his brother's now red and yellow sweater and sniffed.

"Wilby..." Tommy sniffed, rubbing his face, trying to stop his tears flowing. "You're okay...?" It came off as more of a question than the intended strong statement the 5-year-old tried to make. Wilbur lay his head against his brother's and breathed heftily.

They sat like that for a while as Wilbur attempted to gather his strength. Once he deemed himself fit enough to stand, he rubbed Tommy's back with added pressure. The younger stirred, having dozed off some time earlier.

"Hey Toms," Wilbur whispered with a smile. "Lets get out of here?" The blonde nodded sleepily. It had been a stressful day after all. Wilbur took Tommy's hand and he stumbled down into the street. The fires had continued to burn, and it reeked of death.

Thankfully, Tommy didn't quite understand what he was seeing. Wilbur was soon dizzying again and swayed next to the blonde. Tommy had realised quickly his brother wasn't fit to be walking. So, he gripped Wilbur's hand tighter and attempted to drag him onwards.

Wilbur stumbled on behind Tommy, his eyes slowly letting darkness leak into his vision. He let go of Tommy's hand standing still and swaying. Tommy pulled on his sweater muttering comforting words. Words Wilbur couldn't hear anymore.

The brunette was quick to collapse onto his side. Tommy whimpered and kneeled beside his brother pulling at his sweater and shaking an all too limp arm. Wilbur felt his eye's roll into his head constantly threatening a blackout.

Tommy sobbed and lay on Wilbur's chest trying to get him to say something, get up, anything. The boy was desperate. He pulled at his brother's arm, only getting a soft groan of pain. Wilbur's hearing had cleared up now, his eyes remained half closed by darkness, threatening the constant blackout.

"Toms," Wilbur choked grabbing his brother's hand and rubbing his palm comfortingly. "Shhhh."

"Wilby," Tommy sniffed. "You need to get up, someone's here." That caught Wilbur's attention. His body worked overtime to get him good enough to sit up. Tommy 'helped' by pulling him up by his arms. Wilbur spluttered after he stood, his eyes threatening his collapse.

"You can do this!" Tommy sobbed pulling Wilbur behind him by his arm. "We can go take refuge in the forest." Wilbur nodded dizzily. He spluttered constantly on their way into the ashy green nature. Wilbur's legs failed him, and he was looking into the trees the next second.

Tommy cried out to him, but his ears only showed silence. Tommy clung to his chest, shaking and sobbing uncontrollably. Wilbur put a hand in his brother's hair, combing through weakly. He heaved a sigh, feeling his aching body finally stop pounding against him.

The tension in his body faded and his body was immobilized. He barely moved his fingers softly through his brother's hair, moving with jolting sudden movements in the golden hair. Tommy sobbed and sobbed, holding onto his brother for dear life.

Wilbur wished he could assure him he was only resting but when he opened his mouth only strained breathing could be heard. He slowly succumbed to the blackout and felt his finger slow to a stop. He inhaled long, trying to get as much air as he could and barely exhaled.

His mind was still whirring at the events of this treacherous day, but it wasn't long until he was encased with sleep. Tommy's could feel his brother's fingers stop their slow twitching and he pulled himself closer to Wilbur.

His head digging into the elder's ribcage, seeking the comforting noise of his heartbeat and breathing. He could make out rustling in the bushes, possibly the person he had noticed earlier. But that was a distant thought as the comfort disappeared.

Wilbur's slow heartbeats had stopped, and his shallow breaths had halted in his chest. Tommy sat up looking to his brother. His eyes were closed, and blood streamed from his nose. The blonde shook his brother's shoulders. Screamed. Nothing. He pleaded for his brother to wake.

But he didn't

And wouldn't


first chapter kidsssss

haha- the main character is already dead-

lmao well- this book will be updated every wednesday at same time period

if yall looking for something stronger and more angsty the other book will be arriving on saturday >:)

enjoy <333

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