Love and Cars- Chapter 7

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Love and Cars

Chapter 7

            I can't remember a better Friday night. The passion was almost tangible. We had sex for multiple hours, I don't even know how I had the energy for that after the 3 or 4 hours of dancing like we were sexing at the club. When it did come to a blissful end, I fell into a coma like sleep, with Dominic's strong arms holding me tight to him. I don't think I'll be able to sleep another night without him. Not that I would let him know that.

I didn't wake till midday on Saturday. It was a good thing that I didn't really have anything planned.  I was on the edge of consciousness, just listening to the quiet apartment. I felt the bed dip beside me, then I felt his strong hand brush, what I guess was my crazy hair from my face. I turned my face into his hand and slowly opened my eyes. I instantly scanned his face and went straight to his gorgeous eyes. The eyes that I want to look into forever. I leaned up so I could kiss him, just a sweet loving kiss. Dominic responded instantly. With just that simple kiss had my hormones flowing. I knew that even though I was sore from last night and this morning's activities I would love to go another round in the sack. The thought made me smile. Dominic must have felt the change because he broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against mine.

"What are you thinking?" He asked.

"That if you kiss me like that any longer, I would probably end up climbing on top of you and start to fuck you some more." Not very romantic but I'm not much for sickly sweet lovey-dovey stuff.

He let out a low growl that was chest deep and sexy, and instantly had me wet. I saw him inhale deeply before roughly, but nothing that hurt me, brought his lips to mine. For the next 2 hours we were all over each other. I couldn't get enough of him.

I hadn't realized that I had fallen asleep until I woke up. I went to stretch and realize that I was trapped. Dominic squeezed me then released me enough that I could stretch. I stretched until my body was satisfied then relaxed back into Dominic's embrace.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked in a dry voice.

"Just about 3 hours." He told me.

"I haven't been out of this bed since some time last night." I laughed to myself.

"Is that a problem?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

I gave him a serious face and said, "I might have had things to do; now I have spent the whole day sleeping and having sex. Gosh what my life has come to..." I trailed off, concentrating hard on not laughing my ass off.

"I'm sure whatever you had to do can wait." He said grinning at me.

I finally busted out and laughed. He joined in shortly after.

"Your smile is amazing." He said randomly. And all I could do was blush and mumble thanks.

"I'm hungry; someone trapped me in this bed all damn day! I have no clue as to how I had any energy to do the things we did." I winked at him.

"Well then let's get a shower and some clothes on and I'll take you to dinner." He suggested.

"Sounds good to me, let's get ready then." I said hopping out of the bed, butt-ass naked. I looked down, then to Dominic, his eyes lit with a lustful hunger, I shrugged and went to start the shower. "You coming lover boy?" Within seconds he was wrapping his large arms around me and kissing down my neck. I leaned into him, enjoying every minute of it. When the shower was warmed up we got in together. I took us until the water ran cold to finish in the shower.

"Where are we going?" I asked so I could figure out what the hell to wear.

"What are you in the mood for?"

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