Yuma: How come you didn't tell us about this bro?

Ren: I... *Sigh*  I don't know really... I thought about it... but I just didn't for some reason...

Yuma: But what happened that Shark couldn't win it then?

Ren: I told you what you wanted, that wasn't a part of it. If you want to learn about that, go on a computer here and search up last year's nationals...I just need some time to myself, ok.

Yuma: Ok, so see you at home then.

Ren: Yea, text me when you're about to go home.

Yuma: I will, see you later bro.

Ren: See ya

I was walking back home since Yuma was most likely do that. While walking out of the school, I heard something.

??: Oi!!

I looked up, and saw one of the guys from the place Shark was at.

Ren: What do you want?

Gang Member: Look, I get you don't like me, but I saw that you were talking to Shark like you knew him from before. So I don't think you'll let this happen. But later tonight our leaders Scorch and Chills are gonna steal a rare deck from a museum! And if they get caught they're gonna blame Shark for it!

Ren: What time are they gonna do that?

Gang Member: Later tonight, but ever since they gotten these cards they haven't been acting like themselves...

Ren: Do those cards have Numbers in their names?

Gang Member: Yea! They actually do. 

Ren: Alright. Most likely, your leaders wouldn't like it if you told them about their plans huh.

Gang Member: Yea... Shark actually was the one that told to leave while I can.... 

Ren: You should probably go do that. Leave town while you can so they won't find you, I'm gonna go help Shark.

I started to walk to the direction of the Museum to help out Shark... like I was supposed to when I promised Rio... 


I was running down the halls of the hospital when Shark told me what happened to Rio. I ran as fast as I could to the room Shark told me they were at. When I got there... I saw Rio all bandaged up...

Ren: Reginald what happened to her?!

Reginald: I don't know.... I was looking for her after she was gone for a bit.... and I saw her like this.... I called the hospital and tried to get here as fast as we could...

I started to breath heavy, and I was worried that I could lose one of my best friends... after I already lost someone else not too long ago.... and I felt something I wanted to tell her..... but she started to lift up one of her arms...

Rio: Hello.... is anyone... there...?

Ren/Reginald: Rio!!!

I grabbed on to her arm and gave it a gentle but firm grip to know someone's there for her.

Ren: We're here for you Rio!

Rio: Ren.... is that... you..?

Ren: Yea, it's me! Reginald's here too!

The Rebellion Of Raptors (Yugioh Zexal x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now