"If you need any meals, I can have them send to you whenever you like." Hunk offered as he brought take out of his own making for Keith, just in case he gets hungry on the road.

"I'll be sending you stuff for the babies' brains growth. Let them be as smart as Aunt Pidge." Pidge grinned as she hugged him and the swollen stomach.

"Keep up with the safety exercise and you'll be able to keep up with your figure." Lance grinned at the exercising videos.

"It's time." One of the blade members announced as the members of Voltron gave one final hug to their member before he is off.

"I'll call you guys as soon as I get there," Keith promised them.

"And someone else tries to contact you. Tell us right away." Shiro advised the man he considered a brother.

"I will."

Then Keith boarded and they were off.

On the deck of the Prince's Ship...

Lotor looked over the files of the Bounty Hunters as they still haven't found Keith, yet.

His beloved mate must have been hidden by Voltron, to a place where he could not find him. His instincts cried out in outrage of such of a thing. Keith was his mate and those kits belonged to him and they have a right to be by his side on the throne. No matter, nowhere would not go unlooked as he would make sure every single stone is turned over and every place searched. He will have his bride and children, then he can continue with his research and finally undo the madness inflicted on this universe.

He sighed as the alarm on his ship went off again.

Great, back to work and no rest for the weary.

The prince then rosed from his chair and walked down to his secret area, no one knows what he is doing, and he finds it would be best to keep it that way.

At the deck at the Castle of Lions...

Things have been difficult since Keith had been put on maternity leave and sent somewhere far, far, far away.

Shiro, the Leader of Voltron took it the hardest as his little brother was somewhere he didn't know nor was he allowed to know. Even though he agreed it was for the best, he was still having trouble adjusting or accepting the situation. His baby brother will have babies soon and Shiro can't be there to give him comfort or care. The only time he could ever see Keith was through messages and even then, it was not enough to settle his nerves. The stress alone was starting to get to him, and the members of Voltron were noticing it too.

"Keith's perfectly fine, Man. If there was something wrong, the blades would tell us or even Ulaz at least." Lance tried to cheer up, "He's been sending you medical reports since Keith went to their hideout."

"I know, I know, I'm overreacting, and Keith is perfectly fine. But-but I can't help it. The universe is a dangerous place, and we are in the middle of a galactic war. Worse than that, the guy we are at war with, wants Keith and his babies to do who knows what to them and-and I'm supposed to stay here and not check up on him! It's been driving me crazy!" Shiro blew up as he needed to vent out his frustration.

"I know, Man, this is nuts." Lance agreed as he became a therapist to Shiro.

"I know it's better for Keith to stay there, the Blade know more about this and have better equipment and supplies for him. We barely know anything! We could accidentally hurt Keith and the babies and never know! But still, I feel like I'm abandoning him. I never forgave myself the first time it happened, and I saw how much it hurt Keith." Shiro continued as he felt guilt crushing his chest.

"Keith doesn't blame you for that."

"Maybe he should."

"Don't think like that. Keith loves you and both of you know how much you care about each other. That's why he agreed to go because you only think for of all best interest and what is best for Keith and the babies." Lance comforted the leader of the paladins.

"Thanks, Lance, I needed that, and I shouldn't be falling apart like this." Shiro sniffled then chuckled, "I'm sorry."

"It's all good, besides your just going through ENS."


"Empty Nest Syndrome, you are panicking because Keith is growing up and you're worried he's not going to be the little brother anymore. My great Aunt went through this, and you can make it through it." He encouraged the sulking man.


"Plus, you'll be an uncle soon and you'll have so many kids to dote on."

"Yeah, I can't wait."

"Then we'll find the jerk who knocked up Keith and beat him up. You'll even get the first hit."

"Yeah, that does sound pretty good."

Shiro will be certain the stranger will know the error of his way, he would be certain of that.

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