Endeavor just took a step back. 

"What the hell is happening here??" He shouted, I held on tight to the pale boy, trying to keep him from murdering my father. 

"I don't know! He was hit with a quirk that made him like this! Get the blood from the fridge!" I screamed, trying to keep Midoriya from digging his nails into my skin and making me bleed more. He wasn't interested in me now, I didn't have as much blood pouring. 

"Shoto, I need you to explain. I'm not doing anything until I know what's going on." 

Midoriya struggled further, and started hissing. I sent a glare to the hero.

"YOU WON'T NEED AN EXPLAINATION IF YOU LET HIM EAT YOU! I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON! NOW GET THE GOD DAMN BLOOD FROM THE FRIDGE BEFORE HE KILLS US!" I feel a part of Midoriya flinch at my choice of words, but he continued to struggle to get away from me. 

Endeavor's eyes widened at my outburst, but he seemed to understand that this wasn't a prank or anything, and did as I had told him. He pulled out a gallon of the pig blood, and tossed it to Midoriya. 

He ripped away from my grip, and caught the tub, drinking it just as fast as the first one. 

When he was done, he once again dropped it onto the floor. He panted for a good few minutes. 

Then he stared into my father's disappointed eyes in horror. He quickly bowed. "I'm sorry, Sir!" 

"Explanation. NOW." Midoriya stared at the ground and fiddled with his fingers. 

"Hey got hit by some kid's quirk. Now he craves blood constantly. I'm going to take him to recovery girl tomorrow. It's not a big deal," I said. Midoriya looks at me with gratefulness in his eyes. 

My father raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Not a big deal? Murder sounds like a pretty big deal," He said slowly. I knew what he was saying. He either wanted to hurt Midoriya, or take him to prison. He would have no intention in letting him get medical help. 

"Not as big a deal as that 'training' I did with you," I said, icy anger lacing my voice. The tension in the room grew as we stared each other down. We had a mini deal I used to get what I wanted. 

If I ever wanted to get away with something, I would threaten to expose the abuse he put me through. In exchange, he would let me do the thing I wanted. The only downside was that training the next day was extra harsh, so I hardly ever did it. 


"Fine. Just don't let that thing loose on the city. Keep it under control." I growled at his words. It's not Midoriya's fault he ended up like this. 

I just grabbed Midoriya's hand and took him to my room again. I melted the extra ice on my way. He was silent the whole time. I brought him into my room, then locked the door behind us. I didn't want my father coming in. 

As soon as I locked it though, I heard Midoriya break down again behind me. I turned around, then went to wrap my arms around him. I pulled him into a tight hug as he continued to cry and mutter apologies. 

"It's not your fault... Stop saying sorry," I said. He just sobbed after that. I held onto him for what felt like hours. I just wanted him to be happy. When he started to calm down, I patted his back and pulled away. 

He looked at me with his puffy eyes. They were bright green now, and that made me glad. I smiled at him softly.

Oh, how badly I wanted to kiss him right now, but I couldn't confess now. Not when he was already under all this stress. Maybe someday. 

"Izuku." I said sternly. He hummed in response. "Don't hesitate to tell me if your hungry, ok? I won't ever judge you. Just trust me, ok?" 

He nodded, then wiped his eyes. "I'm not hungry now, but what will we do when I get hungry again? That was the last of the pig blood..." He said in a shaky voice. I thought for a moment. 

"We pretty much figured out that human blood lasts longer than pig's right?" He stared at me confused. He cocked his head at me. 

"Just drink small amounts of my blood," I said like it was a completely normal thing. Midoriya freaked out. 

"WHAT??? NO!! I can't hurt you!!!" He said, a few more tears building up in his eyes. 

"Calm down," I said putting a hand on his shoulder. "I already have a cut, you can drink from that. Then you won't end up trying to hurt me more than you want to again." He bit his lip. 

"But... What if when I start... I can't stop...?" He was staring at the ground again. I hated that habit he had. He shouldn't feel the need to look away from me. I grabbed his chin and forced him to look me in the eyes. 

"Izuku Midoriya. I trust you more than I trust anyone in this world. If you don't wait until you let the urges take over, then you'll be fine. Ok?" He just nodded with a solemn face. I let go of him. 

For half an hour, we played the board game in silence. I would glance at him every ten minutes, making sure he was still ok. I would give him constant reminders that he needs to tell me when he's hungry. 

After that half hour, he just looked up at me. I saw his gulp, and I knew what he was trying to say. 

"Hungry?" I asked. He squeezed his eyes shut and nodded. 

I took the bandage off of my arm as he just stared at it. "It'll be fine. Just take it really slow until you know you're in control. The human body can survive without at least 30 percent of our blood, so you can take about two or three pints." 

He nodded as he stared at my outstretched arm. He took a deep breath and latched onto it with a hand. 

"Ready?" He asked. 


BLOODLUST  (Vampire Deku x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now