Chapter 5

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Todoroki POV


"Do you have any idea how good your blood smells?"

I couldn't stop myself from trying to pull away at that last statement. His grip was strong however, a lot stronger than normal, and he wouldn't let me go. I trembled under his gaze. 

"That pig's blood has hardly been keeping me from s-starving. It's like a head of lettuce compared to thanksgiving dinner. Do you know how hard it is?" His voice was pained, yet still cold. I shivered. 

"I don't want to kill you..." He was breathing heavily, and he was sweating. "I just want to drink some of your blood... n-not a lot..." He pulled on my arm. "Just a s-sip..." 

I pulled as hard as I could, finally releasing my arm from his grip. I immediately started running to the kitchen. I needed to get him something to eat. I had to. 

He chased me through the house, hissing. He was like an animal. I ran for my life, I had to get to the kitchen. 

He continued to chase me down the stairs. He was way faster than me. I was leaving walls of ice behind me, which barely delayed him, but it was enough. 

I made it to the fridge at last, and I threw the pig blood at him as fast as I could. He caught it effortlessly and tore it open, drinking the entire gallon in seconds. 

When it was empty, he dropped it, then put a hand over his mouth. Tears began to stream down his face. His now green eyes stared directly into mine. 

"T-Todoroki..." He was shaking, same as me. He let out a loud sob, dropping to his knees. "I'm sorry!" He screamed, wrapping his arms around himself. I was still so scared, I don't even know if I could comfort him. I wanted to so bad, but my body wouldn't move. 

He just continued to cry as excess blood from the jug drip onto the tiles. I tried slowing by breathing. That was scarier than even my father's training. Try imagining the sweetest boy you've ever met start chasing you with inhuman speed strength trying to kill you. 

I took deep breathes until I felt I could speak. 

"It's ok now," I said. I honestly have no idea what to say to make him feel better. "Are you full now, at least?" 

Shook his head, 'no', and continued to cry. I tensed up at his response. What am I supposed to do now??? I just need to get more pig blood from the fri-

Of course, just as the thought came in, my father decided to come into the room. He was covered in wounds. 

Blood was dripping from his arms, legs, and head. A lot of blood. It wasn't enough to need a hospital trip of course, he often came home battered up after long patrols. 

Midoriya's sharp eyes were glued to him as he stared at us, confused. 

Oh no...

I sprinted to Midoriya as soon as he stood up to attack. His eyes were black again. I grabbed his arm, and froze my own feet to the ground. He struggled against me, he was a lot less stronger from when he was more hungry, but I'm not complaining. 

BLOODLUST  (Vampire Deku x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now