4: An Unexpected Event..

Start from the beginning

But he isn't.

Instead, there's a bright pink post-it on the side and a message he's missed on his phone telling him that Arthit's parents have come to visit and that Kongpob can meet them at their 'go to' restaurant if he wants.

He spends a few minutes freshening up, suddenly self conscious that he's going to be meeting Arthit's parents after realising that maybe he's not just interested in staying best friends with their son.

They've always liked him, he knows, but he doesn't know how they would feel about Kongpob actively dating Arthit?

So, it's with trepidation in his heart that he drags his feet along to the restaurant, greeting the server at the door like an old friend.

"They're in the back, Kongpob. They just got here thirty minutes ago."

"Great, thanks Top, I'll head over.. anything I need to know?"

Top laughs, "Yeah, the prawns are totally fresh tonight, but I'd avoid the lobster!"

Kongpob laughs and then turns and picks his way through the crush of tables until he reaches the one where Arthit is sitting, ensconced in conversation with his parents.

He's already bent down and kissed Arthit's cheek before he realises what he's doing.

Wide, brown eyes look up at him and widen even further, darting towards their parents who are all seated around the table - not just Arthit's!

"Oh, err.. hi.. everyone, Top didn't say you were all here!" Kongpob says awkwardly as he glances from parent to parent.

They are all gaping at him too as though he's done something utterly incredible rather than just kissing his best friend and current fake boyfriend on the cheek in a public place.

"Hello son," his father says calmly, although his eyes flicker between Kong and Arthit and he raises an eyebrow in question.

Kongpob shrugs back and then pulls out the chair beside Arthit, dropping into it and turning to look at his best friend who still looks blindsided.

He leans in, aware of their parents watching, and whispers, "Sorry! It's just.. become normal for me!"

Arthit laughs and then reaches out a hand to punch Kongpob in the shoulder which for some inexplicable reason makes him blush more than the kiss did, until he remembers the two young men earlier and how they had reminded him of them.

Kongpob ducks his head and tries to wipe the smile off his face, then looks up to catch both of their mothers watching them with soft expressions while their fathers try to pretend they're not watching too.

"So," Arthit's mother begins, glancing between her husband and Kongpob's parents and then over to them, where they have shuffled in closer, shoulders brushing, "Is there something you haven't told us? Something we should know about?"

Arthit shakes his head and Kongpob does too, taking his cue from his friend.

A hand drops onto his knee and Arthit squeezes it lightly and Kongpob smiles and says, "No, Mae, nothing to tell really.. other than I'm quite busy at the shop and Arthit's been working far too many night shifts! This is a pleasant surprise by the way, finding you all here."

He says this through gritted teeth and gives Arthit a look which should communicate how much trouble he's in for not telling him, meanwhile, Arthit is frowning back and whispering through his own gritted teeth, "I had no warning! They literally walked through the door seconds before you!"

They turn identical smiles back on their parents and Arthit's father asks, "Is there something going on? Because you both seem pretty tense?"

Arthit laughs and it sounds so fake to Kong's ears that he cringes, "No, no, Por. We're fine. Honest."

The server interrupts them and they quickly order a feast of food, Arthit letting Kongpob choose for him while he escapes to the bathroom.

When he returns, it's Kongpob's turn to squeeze his knee and lean in to groan, "You can't leave me alone with them like that - they're mental! They won't stop asking me what's going on! What if they know something?!"

And Arthit, under the pretence of shaking out Kongpob's napkin and laying it in his lap, replies, "They know nothing. They're just fishing for us to say something and drop ourselves in it! It's fine!"

Kongpob isn't convinced, watching their parents with suspicion as they start a light conversation about what they've been up to since they last saw them. It's comfortable and ends up being, as always, an absolute pleasure to hang out with their parents.

But of course, good things don't always last..

"Oh look!" Says Kongpob's Mae, pointing across the restaurant, "Namjing is here with his wife and daughter, I do like them, such a lovely family."

And Kongpob and Arthit turn around, both trying to mask their shrieks of surprise as they see Namtarn across the room with an older couple who must be her parents..

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