It's been a long time since he's needed to mediate with his best friend and he isn't certain how to start.

But it turns out he doesn't need to.

When he gets back to their table, there's an attractive young woman sitting beside Arthit leaning towards him as she talks a mile a minute.

It's immediately obvious to Kongpob just how uncomfortable his best friend is and when their eyes meet, there's a layer of panic that Kong hasn't seen for years.

Without any verbal confirmation, he knows that this woman is Namtarn from Arthit's work. So, as he drops into the seat beside him, he makes a show of sliding an arm around the back of Arthit's chair and leaning in a little closer than he might normally.

Arthit's response is to nuzzle in as he inspects the items on the tray. He doesn't introduce the woman, but from the way he responds to Kongpob, it's clear that he wants to be rescued.

So Kongpob twists his lips into his most charming smile and holds out his spare hand, "Kongpob, a pleasure to meet you.."

"Namtarn," she supplies, manicured hand soft in his own, "I work with Arthit."

"Oh really?" He glances at Arthit who looks frozen in place, and decides to go all out, leaning closer and letting his cheek touch his best friend's for a brief moment, startling him, before continuing to speak, "I don't think we've met before, right?"

She shakes her head, eyes swivelling between them with interest, so Kongpob lets his hand curl over Arthit's shoulder and drags him slightly closer, playing up his possessive nature.

After a moment, Arthit startles and leans into his touch, "You haven't met Namtarn, Kong. She's new."

"Oh," he gives Arthit all his attention, bringing them impossibly closer so their breath mingles. He knows it's a little too much for an interaction in a food court, but he can't help himself, aware as he is that Arthit needs his support and that this woman has been told already that they are dating. "Well, it's really good to meet you. I know how hard Arthit works, so I can imagine you also have a difficult job and I'm always grateful for people in your profession."

"Kongpob!" Arthit is smiling though and Kong knows he appreciates him supporting his choice of profession, something that his family have not always understood.

"I can see how much you appreciate Arthit," Namtan says, smirking slightly as she looks between them, "I was quite surprised when he said he lived with his boyfriend, but the rest of the staff didn't seem to be, so I assume it's a long-standing arrangement?"

"Arrangement?" Arthit echoes, just as Kongpob starts to laugh.

Arthit looks puzzled and it just makes Kongpob giggle even more. "Kong?" He nudges him in his belly, but it doesn't stop his laughter.

Meanwhile, Namtarn is smirking even more as she watches them, before she suddenly stands up and excuses herself, "So, I'll see you at the staff night out then? You too, Kongpob!"

"What on earth was that?" Arthit asks as they watch her depart.

"She doesn't believe us." Kongpob says, all traces of humour gone now, "She was telling us that she knows it was a lie."

"Oh." Arthit slumps against Kong and he automatically tightens the hand on his shoulder, accepting the extra weight with ease. "But I.."

"Don't worry. She doesn't know for sure. Anyway, who is she to judge someone else's relationship from a five minute meeting. I don't like her."

Arthit pulls away and looks straight at Kong, eyes bright with unshed tears.

"Thank you! Me neither! So, you really think it will be okay. I just.. I hate that I lied.. and that you are having to lie for me too. I hate that I told Em and Bright things that I know aren't true, but that they believed them. I'm so sorry that I've dragged you into this, I honestly feel terrible and I am happy to stop this right now. I can tell them the truth, I will?"

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