2: Arrangement?

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And it's only then that Kongpob thinks to ask, "Umm, Arthit? Do you then? Like men?"

Later, when he's tossing and turning in bed, Kongpob analyses the way Arthit had flushed red and then stumbled his way through an answer that wasn't really an answer at all before distracting Kongpob with another half-hearted pillow fight before he excused himself to bed.

Kong knows that he'd put his friend on the spot, but it had been quite the surprise to get to this point in their relationship - over ten years of friendship during which Kongpob had barely considered Arthit's sexuality. Where it had always been a footnote in their story and not part of the main plot.

Now, with it thrust into centre stage, Kong finds himself trying to recall a time when Arthit had ever had a relationship that lasted longer than a couple of dates, when he had dated anyone seriously. And he can't.

It's a failing in their friendship that Kongpob hasn't noticed and that Arthit hasn't made it a big deal.

But now, it's the only thing in Kong's head and he knows it won't fade away without an answer no matter how much Arthit clearly wants him to forget about it.

Does Arthit even want a relationship with someone?


They're at the mall later on, Arthit dragging his feet as Kongpob leads him from store to store.

"I can't find anything suitable!"

"Because you're not even looking properly," Arthit grabs Kong's shoulder and spins him round to face a stand of checked shirts, then grabs one and thrusts it at him. "Just go try this on and see how it looks."

In the changing room, Kongpob finds himself slipping the shirt on, mind full of the way Arthit had acted at breakfast that morning.

Kongpob had casually brought up the possibility of their trip to the mall and Arthit had tried to shut him down. Had tried to wriggle out of it so that Kongpob had reached into the 'messy drawer' and pulled out one of their friendship tokens.

"I'm cashing this one!" Triumphantly, he had thrust the 'shopping trip' token at his friend and made him promise to meet him at 1pm before he marched out to work.

Now, it's been almost an hour and his friend is still reluctantly dragging himself around and it's making Kongpob feel bad.

Stepping out of the changing room, he musters a smile and twirls for Arthit, "What do you think then?"

He sees the way Arthit pauses before speaking. He's known his friend for long enough to recognise the signs. "It suits you."

Arthit is biting his lip. Arthit is clearly lying.

Kongpob wants to joke with him, wants to prod him and push him to tell him what he really thinks, but it's too hard. Arthit is putting up a defence and he doesn't want to be poked and prodded at. Maybe Kongpob's dropped the ball on knowing things about his best friend's relationships, but he won't hurt him further by forcing him to drop the fragile walls he's built in order to get through today, even if it's breaking Kong's heart.

But soon, they will need to address the elephant in the room, especially if Arthit's work friends are under the impression that Kongpob is now his boyfriend.


Kongpob doesn't buy the shirt. Instead, he steers Arthit to the food court and drops him at a table with their things while he waits in line for their favourites.

While he waits, his mind goes into overdrive as he recalls the awkward moments they've shared today. It's never been quite as bad if he's honest and other than hashing it out together, he doesn't know how to improve things.

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