Chapter 1

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Hey everyone!

I hope you are all still doing good and that you've had a good summer.

Now, after a break from writing I am now back with a new story. This story, though, is a spin off story to my previous story, Wish Granted, so if you haven't read that yet, I suggest you go check i out :)

This story takes place between chapter 15 and 16.

I also want to thank all of you who follow my stories here for your support. Thank you so much!

I really hope you will like this story as well.

So, without further ado, here's the first chapter of "Elsa's First Summer". Enjoy!

Chapter 1.

The morning after the graduation ceremony and party, Elsa blinked as sunlight hit her face, waking her up. She sat up in her bed and looked around the bedroom. She was sharing a room with Anna, at the latter's request, and she smiled at the sight of her sleeping roommate. As she looked at her hands, she could hardly believe that she actually was a human now, and not a genie disguised as one.

"He... he really set me free..." she mumbled to herself as a smile made its way across her face.

After a few seconds of just sitting there, thinking about everything that had happened since she met you, she stretched her body one last time.

"Time to get ready for the day. I can't wait to see what's in store for us today..." She mumbled.

She got out of bed and quickly changed clothes, without waking up the snoring redhead, before she went over to the bathroom, located right across the hall from Anna's room.

As she washed face a delicious smell filled her nostrils.

"Oh, this smell... it's delicious... I'll have to investigate that in a few minutes..." She said, smiling to herself as she grabbed a towel to dry her face.

After putting moisturizer on her face, she stepped out of the bathroom again.

Suddenly, as soon as she set foot in the hall, she barely avoided being run over by a now very awake and feisty redhead.

"Oh, good morning Anna." She said surprised.

Anna stopped in her tracks.

"Oh, good morning Elsa! There you are!" She said eagerly.

"Why are you so worked up this morning?" Elsa asked a bit confused.

"Ah, sorry, you don't know! At the start of every summer vacation, mom makes us a very special summer breakfast. In this case it is, as your nose might already know, mom's very special homemade chocolate chip waffles and bacon!" Anna almost jumped with joy.

"That sounds delicious." Elsa smiled.

"Yeah! So hurry up! Wake (F/N) up, or else he won't get any!" Anna said before she ran downstairs to the kitchen.

Elsa smiled as she made her way over to your room that was at the very end of the hallway.

In your room you were still fast a sleep as she knocked on your door. When she did not get a response, she carefully opened the door and stepped inside.

She chuckled as she saw your sleeping figured sprawled out on the bed.

"Good morning Elsa." A voice from the left side of the room greeted her.

It was Olaf in his cage and Elsa smiled at him.

"Good morning Olaf. Did you sleep well?" She asked him.

"I did. I guess you are here to wake (F/N) up?" He asked.

Elsa nodded.

"Yes, Anna told me to wake him up."

"Well, I would use my feminine charm to wake him up." Olaf said teasingly, with a slight gleam in his eyes.

Elsa smiled as she sat down on your bed and gently tried to wake you up. You didn't wake up, but you slightly stirred.

""Mmmm...nope...good dream..." You mumbled, still half a sleep.

Then, Elsa got an idea and bent down and gently pressed her lips against yours in a loving, tender kiss.

That made you more awake and after just a couple of seconds you kissed her back.

When she broke the kiss, you slowly opened your eyes.

"...not fair" You said with a tired smile on your face.

"Well, it was Olaf who told me to use my feminine charm to wake you up." Elsa smiled and giggled a bit.

"And, as you can see, it worked." Olaf chimed in from where he was sitting in his cage.

You smiled a bit.

"Morning to you too, Olaf." You said before you looked at Elsa.

"What time is it?" You asked.

"It's 09:00 am." Elsa answered and you looked a bit confused.

"Why did you wake me up so early?" You asked as you sat up in bed.

"Anna told me to wake you up, and she also mentioned something about summer breakfast..." Elsa said.

Your eyes shut open and suddenly you felt wide awake as you rushed out of your room, not even changing from your pajamas pants first.

"Anna! You better not eat my waffles again!" You shouted as you hurried down the stairs.

Elsa looked a bit confused at first but after a few seconds she chuckled as she got up and followed you, wondering if all summer mornings would be this funny.

And that's the first chapter!

I really hope you liked it, but please feel free to let me know what you think.

Until the next chapter, everyone!

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