1: Closer than Close

Start from the beginning

"I got it from a girl at work, I think her name is Namtarn or Namton or something?" Arthit flicks on the TV and starts to station hop, looking for something they will both enjoy. "Anyway, she transferred in from South Sea last week when Pana went down with the flu, and then they decided they liked her, so she's still with us. She's kind of been my unofficial stalker since she didn't know all the procedures for our department, so she said she wanted to thank me and suggested I cook this for my wife or my girlfriend."

Kongpob's grin widens as he hears Arthit's story - finally someone is showing interest in his friend and Arthit hasn't run away screaming yet! He fist pumps the air just as Arthit turns to look at him.

"What's that for?" He asks suspiciously and Kongpob slowly lowers his arm.

"Nothing, just a sore arm, I had to heft around a lot of books today since Maprang decided to bail on us, again." Arthit leans over and pokes at his shoulder, then grabs Kongpob's waist and twists him, so his back is to Arthit.

As he digs his fingers into the muscles, Kongpob lets out a long, low groan, "Ohhhh, that feels really good, thank you. So, yeah, I was telling Tew that he should ask her to actually bring in a sick note to cover all these random days off, but he said she was kind of flighty on exactly what was wrong with her and he was worried it was something major and she was too scared to tell him. So I said - oh yes there - that he should just get rid of her and he went all red and then hid in his office for the rest of the afternoon."

"Well, you already know he fancies her, Kong, so I don't know why you're surprised that he won't do anything." Arthit's hands drop lower and he bends Kongpob forward so he can dig into the muscles in his lower back too, "I suppose as long as he feels the way he does, nothing will change, eh? Besides, you're just annoyed cos you don't believe in falling in love or even in romance."

"That's not troo-oo, man that's good, don't stop, harder please! I just like sex... ohhhh!"

Arthit freezes against his back, "Are we acting out a low budget porno, Kong? Cos you know Ms Bates from upstairs will call the cops again and accuse us of 'working' out of our apartments and it will be super embarrassing. Once was truly enough!"

Kongpob stifles his laughter, aware that Arthit is serious - it had been a bit embarrassing if Kong is honest. They'd had to persuade the officers that they both lived in their flat by showing them photos in their separate bedrooms with their respective parents, and then let them look around when they'd asked to search the place in case anyone was hiding.

And although they hadn't found anything incriminating, Kongpob had felt judged for his chockablock drawer full of lube and condoms. Meanwhile Arthit had been mortified that they'd seen the silk underwear that said 'slut' across the ass that Bright from paediatrics had bought him as a gag gift in the Christmas Secret Santa.

He supposed it was a little bit suspicious that they were both half-naked having had a rather ridiculous food fight, after Kongpob had insulted Arthit's slightly dry chicken. But equally, if they'd answered the door to the police with red sauce all over their clothes, it might have been much, much worse.

In fact, Kongpob muses as he recalls that fateful night, Arthit's cooking had gotten them into trouble a few times in the past...

"Okay, no porno noises tonight, just, please don't stop, it feels good." Kongpob whines, and Arthit starts to knead his sore muscles once more. "Anyway, you were telling me about Namtarn, is she fit? Want to ask her out on a date yet?"

"I already told you - the women in my workplace are off limits to you, you horny dog!"

"Not for me, Arthit, for you!"

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