She turned around with Ron's tea at hand. She placed it in front of him on the counter as she sat down on the chair left. The moment she had sat down, Geomeun jumped on her lap and made himself comfortable. Bada took a look around the room to ensure Jakda was near—he was curled up on the couch—and absentmindely started stroking Geomeun's fur.

"I can explain everything."

"Go on," Draco spoke, expression betraying no emotion. "You need to start somewhere."

"That's the difficult part," she chuckled, although there was no humour behind it. "There are some things you don't know about me. I never planned on telling you either but it seems like there's no other choice now. I'll start from the beginning.

"My grandmother, the one I took the kittens from, is a pure siren." She looked up, gauging their reactions, taking in their various states of surprise before she continued. "My grandfather is a wizard. They had a son, and because the siren genes always prevail, he is part siren, part wizard. My mother is a muggle and together with my father, they had me and my twin sister, Hae. We are both witches and sirens. Do you know what sirens can do?"

Harry shook his head at once as Theodore spoke up.

"Their singing can put you in a daze."

"That's correct," she nodded, "we can also compel others to do what we want. Our abilities can't be used against other sirens but on anyone else they are effective without doubt."

"What's a pure siren?" Harry asked, immersed in her explanation. Even Draco was starting to lose some of his animosity while listening to her talk.

"A pure siren is a siren that was born with two parents who both are sirens. Their abilities are the same as ours but the difference is that their eyes are a deep blue, like the ocean. Our looks aren't affected by our abilities."

"I heard that sirens are exceptionally beautiful and have a rather calming, soothing and mellifluous voice," Ron shared, talking mainly to Harry even though he didn't take his eyes off of Bada once.

She nodded, "It's true. We can walk on land like anyone else, do all that you do. We get weak when we spend a while out of sea water, though. I, for one, should have found a way to reach the ocean weeks ago."

"You should take care of yourself," Draco spoke, expression still icy. "What-"

"Have you used your powers?" Harry cut him off, his eyes never leaving Bada's. "Have you compelled anyone after coming to London?"

"I've used them twice," she admitted softly. "Once, when we were fighting those men who were wrecking a village. He had disarmed me and you were heading my way to help me, Harry, but before you could, he hesitated and I tied him up, do you remember?"

Slowly, he nodded, his eyes widening in realization. "I do. So he didn't hesitate."

"He didn't," she admitted, "I made him stop."

"And the other time?" Ron asked, and now she bowed her head, unable to look Harry in the eye.

"On the first day I arrived at the Ministry, I wanted to find Vance but didn't know where to look. I found Harry on the way, asked him to show me where it was. He refused. I compelled him to show me where it was anyway."

"I knew it," Harry whispered, eyes wide in realization. "I almost got in trouble that day."

"I helped you out of it, though," she pointed out as she looked up, eyes wide. Before Harry could say another word, Draco spoke up.

"What does your being a siren have to do with the case?"

Bada briefly glanced at Draco before she looked at Geomeun snuggled up against her. She didn't lift her gaze.

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