Chapter 10

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"I still can't believe. You were crying over a girl. Even though you love her. Oh my god!" Landon yell.
"Stop!" I warn him. He better don't tell this to anyone or I'll kill him.
"Don't you dare talk about it with anyone or else I'll bury you. Alive. Six feet deep." I growl at him. His face looks like he will burst into laughter any moment.

He made a motion to zip his lips. I roll my eyes.
"I'm mute. I won't say a word."
"You rather not."
"But I still can't believe you were crying. I mean Hardin Scott crying. I thought I would have to born again to see you cry over girl."
"Ha ha. Very funny." I roll my eyes.

I can't believe either. After my dad left and the way I became after that. Emotionless. Heartless. A dark person. Who didn't care about anyone's feelings. I didn't thought I'll every feel anything in my life. Let alone love. Until Tessa came in my life. She made me feel things. I was afraid to feel. She made me feel loved. She turn my life upside down. Before her, my life was mess and after she left me, my life is again a mess. The time when she was with me was the best time of my life. I can't wait to relive that things again.

Can't wait to have her in my arms again. You still would've had her in your arms if it wasn't for the stupid bet. My subconscious reminds me. I mentally roll my eyes.

I regret everything.

After she told me that she don't love me anymore. I can't express how petrified I was. After crying and telling Landon everything I feel little relief.

Landon comforted me tell me that she still loves and just hurt, that's the reason, she said she don't love me. But she didn't hesitated.

What if she really don't love me anymore? Will I be able to watch her with anyone else? Can I bear to watch her with anyone else? It would surely kill me. I would rather die than seeing her with someone else. I swear the day she will move on from me I'll die.

I came out of my thought when Landon snap his finger in front of my face.
"Earth to Hardin."
"What were you saying?" I ask little confuse.
"I said give Tessa little time. Be her friend. Make her fall in love with you again. Get it?" he quiers. I nod my head.

Be her friend. How the hell am I suppose to keep my hands to myself when she is around me? This isn't going to be as easy as Landon makes it sound.

" What about your friendship with her? " I quiers. His face fall. It's all my fault because of me Tessa isn't talking with him either. If I wouldn't have told him to keep my secret or if I would have told her about the bet. Things wouldn't be like they are now.

" I don't know. I guess once she falls in love with you again. I'll apologise to her. Cause now, for sure, I'm the second last person she wanna talk with." he dimly stated. I hug me.
"I'm sorry this is all my fault. I'll talk with her." I said.
"Ohh No. This wasn't your fault. It's my fault. After I found out I should have told her but I didn't. We are both into this together." he sadly flash a smile my way. Which I return.
"Tessa is right. You are the friend everyone ask for." I smile at him. Genuine smile.
"I'm your brother! Tessa always right. She told me you aren't that bad. I guess she was right." he teasingly said. I roll my eyes.
"You such a softy person now Hardin."
"You better get you ass back at home before I kick you out of my house." I said teasingly. He is right. After I met her. I really became soft with everyone. With her I'm totally soft. With everyone else I'm little less mean nowadays.

Landon left. I sat on bed. Thinking about tomorrow. How I'm gonna live with this 'start over again' shit. I lay in bed, trying to get some sleep. Tomorrow will bring new hope.

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