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«────── 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟓──────»

she hates the cold. she despises it.

who in the right mind would love winter? it doesn't make sense.

she hates how she has to watch her step whenever it was winter time, she hates how she has to wear layers over layers of clothings just to keep her warm, she hates how her skin gets so dry no matter what moisturiser she uses.

god, she hates winter.

hyejin takes careful steps as she ambles to the bus stop, careful not to slip and embarrass herself in front of the public eye. she finally reaches the sheltered bus stop, waiting under it with her hands tucked into her jacket pocket.

oh, and one more thing that she hates about winter; how the bus takes way longer than usual because of the icy roads.

thankfully for her, she didn't need to wait long since the bus arrived right when she reached the bus stop. she fishes out her bus card, tapping against the machine and enters further into the bus. there weren't any seats, so she settled on standing.

the ride wasn't long, since she didn't live too far away. she could've walked if she wanted to, but it was freezing. when the bus finally stops, she gets off and starts to walk up the hill to where her school was.

every time she sighs, she could see the cold air leaving her lips, almost like it was mocking her because it was so, so cold.

her eyes trailed over the snow on the road that must have fallen from last night. when she looks up, she notices a familiar brown bag that was walking up the hill just a few feet from her.

a grin forms on her lips as she picks up her pace to scare her friend. full of excitement, she didn't seem to hear the hurried steps from behind, until she feel a hard impact hit her shoulder, causing her to lose her footing and trample over the small rocks.

"ah!" a yelp leaves her lips, her eyes shutting close as her body hit the ground with a loud thud. she lets out a low groan, fluttering her eyes open. it was only then when she noticed that everyone was staring at her in shock.

well, this was embarrassing.

she could see someone running up the hill without turning back, clearly the person who had bumped into her. and seeing from the familiar hair, she knew exactly who he was.

"hyejin?" she hears someone call. "dude, you good?"

a grumble leaves hyejin's lips as she places both palms on the icy road to push herself up. she looks up to see daeun towering over her. her friend extends an arm to help her up.

hyejin grabs the offering hand, pulling herself up. she dusts her white coloured uniform and her black winter jacket. there were already a few brown stains on her uniform, but thankfully it wasn't that obvious.

"fucking jeong jaehyun," hyejin curses, her eyes trained on the boy who has now reached the top of the hill, where the gates were. "what's with him ruining everyone's mood so early in the morning?" she grunts.

daeun sighs, "you know how he is," she says, helping her friend dust off the rest of the dirt on her jacket. "he probably just wants to annoy you for no reason."

hyejin rolls her eyes at that, almost forgetting the pettiness between the both of them. how could she forget? the boy who enjoys seeing her all frustrated.

it started from a few years back when they had stopped being friends because they had different likes and dislikes. she felt a little sad, at first— her only best friend had stopped hanging out with her because he had his own group of friends.

an inconvenient encounter ❁ jeong jaehyunWhere stories live. Discover now