imagine: you meet the apes

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( y/n) pov

You were the only human person that you help the apes, escape from San Bruno Primate Shelter . You just gotten off the bridge, you had ran and been running for hours. It felt like, you didn't want the police or anyone. To captured you, take you away from the apes and Cesar, whom you promise to take them to the redwoods.

 Along with Cesar, you thought when you finally got there. Cesar was waiting for you, when you gotten to him, he took to the middle of the woods. Where the apes are at. There he took your hand lead over to where there was a Orangutan, than Cesar began to sign " my friend, my dear friend (y/n)" he said as you squat down to Maurice level began to shake his hand before Cesar started to interduce to the all apes. You knew in this moment you were going to stay with Cesar and the apes, they were your new family.

Cesar imaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant