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(y/n) pov

Ever since you and cesar had met , he was amazed by your art and drawings, painting and other things. You had made out of your hands and your mind, you had private journal that was only drawings or painting of cesar. You kept for your eyes only, today cesar was trying to help you pick what painting to enter in the high school art gallery contest. You really wanted to win, you mostly painted and drew animals they were different from humans. First one was a cow, white and brown fur than 2th one was gorilla watercolor paint. You made it look like it was dripping but it wasn't, cesar was looking at each one.

" which one cesar " you asked as you study each painting even more with more detail, as you waited for cesar to answer you. Stood there patiently  for your close friend to answer, than he stood up than sign the gorilla it's more beautiful you smiled at him. That be the one i pick also as you rolled the painting putting in a tube. As you heard my phone go off i went to check, you had to pull it out ofyour bag. Cause my private journal to fall out. As it did, it fell open showing my drawings and my painting, of him and he seen them. He was amazed by them after he look at them and put them in the journal than handed them back to me. you was kinda embarrassed, at the time than he sign  they are beautiful ...of me ? than i nodded  " you're my muse cesar i hope you don't mind" than he look at you, than his forehead against your forehead and he gave you answer that's all you ever wanted

Cesar imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora