chapter 6: believer

Start from the beginning

" wow I'm impressed, so either you want something or are you really just this nice romantic kind of guy? " she said taking a bite of her salad as she tried to work out what he was up to as she flashed him a knowing smiles

" what? can't I do something nice for my girlfriend without there being a reason" he said innocently, although he knew that she was clever enough to know better

" if you say so, hows things on the wesen crime scene? was there any fall out for the whole Musai thing?" she asked knowing that if she kept avoiding it then he would notice something weird was going on

"yeah kinda, Renard told the other officers that someone slipped me something and that caused me to be a bit more violet than normal but I don't really want to talk about work" he said trying to turn the tables onto her, he knew that he was going to her to tell him the truth then it needed to be all about her

" so what do you want to talk about?" she said sensing that he already had a subject in mind for them to discuss

" well how about this, we could each take turns to ask the other about themselves" he said thinking this was the best way to get her to open up,

" fine I'll go first, favourite colour?" she said wanting to avoid the bigger questions which she had feeling was he really wanted to know

" blue, what is your favourite childhood memory?" he asked diving right in, he figured that whatever was going on with her had something to do with her past

" oh so we're doing the deep and meaningful questions... I guess it would that the time when I was four i think and there was a really bad thunder storm going on, it freaked me out so I ended up crawling into Roe's bed. We spent the night making a tent with his bedsheets, we filled it with blankets and pillow and played games" she said smiling at the memory then using their flashlight to create shadow puppets, their mom was so mad at the mess they had made

" that's sweet and very cute, do thunder storms still freak you out?" he said holding her hand that was resting on the table next to her empty lunch box container

" not so much now but I'm not exactly fond of them, I tend to hid in my blankets and try to block the storm out. What's yours?" she said cringing at how lame it sounded to be scared of a little thunder and lightning

" before my parents accident they took me to a beach one day, I mean it was nothing special we played in the water and ate ice cream. I know it sounds stupid but it was like the last perfect day before everything happened" he said knowing that he could have picked others but that one always stuck out to him

" it sounds like it, I hate that that happened to although think about it this way you probably be a cop or who you are now if you didn't" she said giving him an encouraging smile as they began to play with each others fingers absently

"tell me your worst memory?" he said noticing that she sudden looked scared as she was reliving the worse time of her life

" when I was 8 my best friend who was human died, actually he.... he was umm.." she said struggling to finish her sentence, she knew that she had to tell him the truth sometime but wasn't sure how

" what happened to him Mia?... seriously?" he said as his phone began to ring, he thought that this was the worst time his phone could go off as Mia's eyes began to fill with tears

" you should get that, its probably Hank or Wu calling you about a murder" she said softly knowing that whoever it was obviously calling for a reason, it gave her a minute to collect

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