No Hesitation

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     No Hesitation - Chapter 7


Jamesha fakley smiled and then glanced at Mari whom was putting on her cloths. Wow….what a mistake I’ve made, she thought. How could I be so dumb? Of course, I still love her in a way….but then sex? Was just out of the blue. I mean, yes, I had enjoyed it. But the regret is actually having sex with her. Mari looked at me. "What's wrong?" she asked again. "Nothing," I lied putting on my cloths and glancing at her. She probably got the idea of me being uncomfortable of what we recently just did. So, she put on her cloths and sat down on the edge of the bed folding her arms across her chest, giving me the 'I know you better than you think' look. "You don't like all do you?" she asked pushing hair from her golden eyes. I continue to say silent not knowing what to say...I was too in a daze. She wouldn't get it even if I told her. Mari continued to stare at me getting slowly getting pissed off...the fuck? "Why the hell your getting upset?" I snapped a bit looking at her seriously. Mari rolled her eyes. "You fucking played me Jamesha! We had sex and you don't say s hit like someone who uses you for sex!" she snapped rolling her neck in a z-transformation form and rolling her eyes. "FIRST of all I didn't use shit! YOU came over MY house, YOU seduced me and we had sex!" I simply shrug, "and you should of knew from the fucking beginning that we was DONE. You can't change the fucking way how I feel about Harlem, so don't act brand fucking new," Mari slowly got off of the bed and sucked her teeth."Sorry for trying to please your stuck up ass." and she left. I rolled my eyes and ran my fingers through my curls and went to talk to a friend.


I placed my white robe on my wet body and opened the bathroom door. Jacob was leaning on the door smiling and I chuckled. "Why are you so happy?" he smirked and shrugged his shoulder as I shook my head and went to put on my undergarments at least since I didn't wanna' put my cloths on. Picking up my phone and checking my messages I seen that I had one from Mari...why the hell is she texting me? She said: ' think your so damn clever? I mean, you know you have little Jamesha dumb ass wrapped around your finger but you still consider to have that affect telling her that there's still feelings between you two when there isn't. But anyway, I'mma need you to stay far away from her, okay? She really doesn' t need you. Oh...and did I tell you that we fucked? can you give up something good for THAT you got now. Anyway Ttyl babes. - Mari (:'  This. Ugly. Fucking. Cunt. She really think that my mind set is on Jamesha? And she really think that message is going to scare me? I laughed hysterically and walked downstairs. I was pissed and most of all...ready to beat some bitches ass.


Sorry It's short! Im busyy! 

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Mari on the side...

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 24, 2013 ⏰

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