Machine Like A Gun.

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~Bulletproof shadow, awaits like a gun. Pointing directly at you, like it was your own...~

~Love is like a bullet. Sometimes you'll have 1 chance to make things better, maybe 2 chances. Sometimes....none..~


Jamesha's POV:


"Well she's happy without me," I told Monica. Monica, was a friend I had since birth, and since then we was tight like a kite.

"You have to admit both of y'all asses did each-other wrong. Not just one, but both." She replied raising her nails from the tale and blowing on them.

"Truth. But she's just do damn stubborn. I mean I said sorry a thousand times!"

"You are too! you just have to see where she's coming from. I mean, you both cheated. You both are guilty, so I clearly don't see why y'all too won't just make up and act mature!" Monica boasted shaking her head.

I rolled my eyes, like this bitch really know how i'm feeling?


Harlem's POV:

My back pressed against the wall as I wiped the sweat from my face and sighed. I've been at the gym for about 3 hours, and I was ready to leave. I raised up from the wall but I fell back down. Shit ._.

"Babe can you pick me up?" I asked Prince when we walked up to me. Prince smiles and picked me up.

"Damn your heavy," He joked carrying me out  the gym.

"You wasn't saying that last night!" I laughed and shook my head. Prince sat me down on the hood of the car and got in-between my legs.

"True," he laughed before sticking his tongue down my throat. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck, Prince pulled me closer creasing his down on the top of my mouth.


Prnceton's POV:

"Keisha!!" my voice echoed through the house, when I walked in through the Conjunction home. Keisha appeared from the kitchen.

"Hey, Prince what you doing here?" she asked trailing back off into the kitchen as I followed. I plopped down on the stool.

"Guess who i'm dating," I simply said with a huge smirk grepping across my face. Keisha looked at me weird, "Who?"

"Just guess!" she laughed and put on a thinking face.

"Harlem?" I smile wide and nodded, "what wait! I though she was dating Jamesha?" Keisha looked confused and just shook her head.

"Well she broke up with Jemesha. but that doesn't matter! I have her now!" I bit my bottom lip and smile - even wider. Man, was I happy?

"I guess it doesn't," she laughed, "well..where having a get together this Sunday and your mom is going to be here! maybe you could introduce them to Harlem?" she gestured.

" know how my mom is Keisha! you know how she acted towards the other girls." I replied, rubbing the back of my neck.

"But she was right about those girls Jacob! Harlem isn't a me" I nodded. She was right.

"Well see how it goes then."

"Alright, and tell Harlem when you see her that I need to talk to her. Her lil' ass been avoiding my calls." I laughed and nodded.

"Ight' bye Keisha! I have to go and meet up with the guys." I hugged her and left..


Harlem's POV:


"No! I have a boyfriend shit-face!" I told my best-friend Keelan. I was recording them sipping liquor off of one anothers body. But me...I wasn't having it.

"Come on Harl!he isn't here. And your acting like I'm asking you too make-out with him," Keelan snapped taking the camera away from me and pushing me over to the table.

I sighed and layed down on the table. I squinted my eyes, and saw my old crush David get in-between my legs and pour some Strawberry Daiquiri on my stomach. David curled out his long tongue and licked off the Daiquiri slowly. I bit my bottom lip because his tongue was so soft. When he finished, I got off the table and Keelan laughed.

"I saw you over there biting your lip!" she smirked still recording every single thing. I rolled my eyes, and snatched it away from her.

"Shut the fuck up!"


"Baby!" I yelped plopping down on Princeton's lap. He looked up from his book. Damn, he looked pissed! I looked confused, "Baby what's wrong?"

"Are you cheating on me?" his voice was deep and rowdy. I scrunched up my face and shook my head.

"Hell No! where you hear that from?" I was hella confused! why would he think that I'm cheating on him?!

Prince grabbed his phone from the table and scrolled through it. He handed me his phone, and it was a video. I pushed it and it play the video ..... with me and Keelan at David's party. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! How the hell did he get this?

"What the hell is that Harlem?! you don't see me going around letting bitches suck liquor and shit off of me! that's foul as fuck!" Prince boasted, clenching his teeth.

"I'm sorry! It didn't mean anything. . . .Keelan was pressuring me to do it. And I did it to shut her the fuck up! you know I wouldn't hurt you Prince!" I said, as walked upstairs. I followed.

"Whatever Harlem. I don't have time for your bullshit!" He snapped and walked upstairs. I followed, and my eyes was getting watery. He sat on the bed.

"So you don't believe me?" Prince glanced up at me and noticed that I was about to cry, and looked away.

"Harlem...not tonight," I rolled my eyes and walked out the room slamming the door behind me.

I hate being in this position! This shit happened a bunch of times when me and Jamesha was together .....

Jamesha's POV:

I was sitting down in my bed thinking about Harlem. I know she moved on but I still miss her like crazy.

"Jamesha!" David said peaking around the corner. I looked up and waved him up, I had no emotion. I was half broke. "You OK?" he asked sitting down on the bed. I nodded slowly.

"I still miss her.." he glances ack up at me.

"Me too." David agreed and threw a pillow at me. I laughed and shook my head, "Don't be sad! she'll come around soon.."


I arched my back before getting out of bed. I looked down at David and he was sleeping peacfully. I huffed and walks downstairs. I picked up the house phone and seen that Harlem called. I pressed the voil mail and she spoke;

'Hey Jamesha! I'm calling to let you know that at 2 I'm coming over to get the rest of my things. Just letting you, bye!" and that was all she said before it eneded.


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