Gryffindor Sword

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At dinner I tried asking Draco what he meant by, 'nothing compared to what I've already done before,' but he wouldn't give me an answer. And that's not the only thing that bothered me; it was Astoria. She and Draco planned a study session for tonight and I'm not for it.

I don't think he's very happy with me either. He's mad I won't tell him what I'm on my way to do with Neville, Ginny, and Luna. The truth is, I didn't want to tell him either. You see, this thing could put me and my friends in danger of we were caught. We're going to steal back the Sword of Gryffindor from the headmaster's office.

Snape doesn't attend any meals, except for the first one, so I'm meeting up with the three of them after dinner because he leaves his office after then. Ginny had secretly tracked his routine the past day, so she knows when he's in his office and when he's not. They never actually told me why they needed the sword, but I trust them so I'm not going to ask questions.

I see the three of them waiting outside the Great Hall as I leave and Draco goes the other way. "Okay we have 15 minutes, so let's go," Neville whispered loudly to Ginny, Luna, and I as we started so slip away from everyone else going to their dorms.

The four of us walked together through the winding corridors all the way down to Snape's office. We sat against the wall near his office to secure our plan before going forward. "Luna, you'll keep watch while we go find the sword and get it out. Everyone ready?" Neville asked.

Everyone nodded, except me. Somehow it feels wrong stealing something from Snape's office and betraying his trust. I could tell they were all looking at me, wondering if I would chicken out now. I wasn't going to, so with that, I nodded too.

Luna gave me a warm smile before Ginny, Neville, and I proceeded into his office, ready to search for the sword.

"So, what does it look like? I've never seen it." I asked as we spread out to look.

"I mean, it's a sword. Is says 'Godric Gryffindor' on the side and has red jewels. Shouldn't be hidden that hard, it's pretty large." Ginny explained. "At least, that's what Harry described. The last time I caught a glimpse of it was....when Harry saved me in my first year." Her voice was quiet when she said that, like she didn't realize she said it out loud. She missed Harry so much, we all knew that.

When I looked up, there was what looked like a carge display case high up on the wall, however, there was a black cloth covering that kept the contents hidden. It looked about the size to hold a sword. As I stood up on my toes, I could just reach the bottom of the covering to pull it off.

And there it was, the sword of Godric Gryffindor. It's appearance was as almost mesmerizing; the shiny silver blade had the founder's name engraved along it, the handle designed with glittering red and gold jewels. "Guys, I found it!" I said.

Ginny and Neville quickly came over. "Alright, we better start trying to break that glass." Neville said as the three of us stared up.

Ginny and Neville took their stances and started to try as many spells and charms as they could while I wondered away to Snape's desk.

As I stood at the place Dumbledore sat, where Snape now takes his place, I wondered if there was anything here that could help me. I became curious to know what lay inside the drawers of this desk; what secrets Snape kept hidden from us. I need to know the answers of what side he's really on, and why he's helped me so many times. I need to know why he does the things he does; killing Dumbledore and working with Voldemort.

As I hear Ginny say, "it must have so many enchantments. We're running out of time," I start to open the drawers of the desk. Maybe there's something that will give me the answers to Snape.

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