Fall Apart

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Draco had wrapped a blanket around me and lead me outside onto the school grounds, while being careful so that we wouldn't get caught by all the security. I was already amazed by all the stars I could see as we walked hand in hand towards the black lake in the dead of night. It was just completely breathtaking, as usual.

When we arrived at the edge of the lake, I sat down on the grass without letting my gaze leave the sky. I pulled my blanket tighter around me after I felt a calm, cold breeze go by; it made my hair rise and fall.

Draco was sitting right next to me silently, and I could tell he was staring at me looking up at the stars like it was the first time I ever saw them. I could see him smile out of the corner of my eye as I looked up and he watched me.

"I've always been fascinated by them." I said, still looking up. "Astronomy doesn't tell me that what my mother told me was actually real, it just tells me the facts. I just have to believe, you know...that what she said was true. I don't remember a lot from when my mother...was alive. Some of the things I think I remember night only be things I made up in my head or - or dreams or things people've told me and I chose to think that I experienced. But, this - what she told me about the stars - is the one thing I remember...that's for sure."

I continued to talk, and he listened. He just listened, and that's all I needed. "I remember a lot from my father, because I had him...until he was gone." Tears started to sting my eyes and Draco wrapped his arm around me. I still stared up.

"He - he always knew how to make me laugh. Like, I would be sad some days because he wouldn't never let me leave the house, and I would be so mad at him. And then we would be at dinner and he would just made these crazy faces at me. He showed me photographs of my mother and told me stories too, which was my favorite thing. And he was the most terrible cook. I mean, every time he tried, it always ended up really burnt. And the funny was that he used magic to help, and he still couldn't get it right." Tears went down my cheeks.

Draco listened to me talk with his arms around me, comforting me. "I - I remember when he tried to teach me magic all on his own, and he wasn't the best teacher, but he tried very hard to make it work because he wanted to keep me safe. Every year I asked him, 'when can I go to Hogwarts?' He never told me why I couldn't go, and I was maybe to afraid to ask why...until I walked in on an Order meeting..."

"That's when it all started, and if I hadn't been hungry and wanted something to eat or I went to sleep earlier, I think I could've prevented everything that happened. If I just listened to his rules and not went down at night, he wouldn't have been in danger; I wouldn't have been in danger." I said.

Draco was going to interrupt, but I stopped him. I knew he was going to say something like, 'it wasn't your fault.' "It's been so long since I've even brought this up, Draco, but there's not one day that I don't think about it and about how I caused it, and how it - it should've been me."

"Shhh, no, no don't start saying that agin." Draco said, holding me tight as I continued to stare up.

"You know, my parents would've liked you." He looked at me with a surprised look on his face. I looked at him and nodded. "My father always gave people a chance; he gave my mother a second chance after he found out she was a death eater. And my mother, well, I don't need to explain, she just would've loved you. They both would've accepted you as long as you were good to me, which you are."

"It just sucks." I said as he wiped my tears away. I kissed him softly before looking back up at the stars.

I pointed at the two brightest ones I could see. "Those would be my parents; or, I believe those are my parents." I said.

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