It was just after dinner and Lex stayed in the conservatory admiring the Miracle Angel's handwork. At this time, the auction was taking place for those who felt like emptying their pockets and the ballroom was in full effect for those who felt like having a good time. He lingered near the now occupied bar where he could look out towards the garden, nursing his brandy while people walked up to him and congratulated on the event's success. Lex had decided to don an all-black suit. While others would abide by the theme, he had the liberty not to. He would take the credit and the freedom to be whoever he wanted without chagrin. He leaned back, about to take a sip from his brandy when he stopped to see his personal assistant walking over towards the bar to grab a glass of sparkling white wine.

The woman was wearing an almost shear light blue dress. Icy vines crept up the bodice from the corset and spilt to her forearms, leaving her collarbone and part of her bosom bare. The rest of the dress hugged to her body, flowing down to the floor, and wisping around her. To Lex, she was wearing frost itself, with its floral branched motif creeping every which way. The back of the dress was a caped shawl that attached to the corset like folded wings. It too fluttered down to meet the floor. With every subtle move she made, it looked like she had an aura around her. One that seem rather calming and fitting to her person. Her left wrist had a small, light, blue-jeweled bracelet, one that connect the shawl. Accordingly, every time that she raised her hand, the shawl would shutter slightly and move along with her. Tyla's dirty blonde locks were in curls, falling down her back like water.

Lex took moments to take her in before noticing that he had caught her gaze. She took a sip from her glass, delicately holding the stem of the glass. She smiled at Lex and raised her glass to him. Lex took a deep breath, raising his own glass to her and drank his brandy. He straightened up his posture, moving from the beam as she approached him.

To his disappointment, he hadn't had the chance to speak to her over dinner. He was distracted with his speech and Tyla had placed investors or partners that he wanted to do business with at his table. However, he would have loved to have her sit with him. There was an empty seat next to him where his father should have been. It was obvious that he would not attend. Lex would have asked Tyla to join him but if she had a choice, she wouldn't be at the seat of the business table at an even like this. Instead, he noticed that she had sat at a table with her work friends. At least it wasn't another date.

"You've outdone yourself, Miss Nevin," he said, politely. He glanced over at a project partner who looked over to him, wondering if Lex was free to speak. However, the entrepreneur turned his gaze fully to the goddess in front of him. He looked her over, pausing over each curve for a brief second. She could have been either an ice queen or a snow angel.

"This is your event, Lex," she spoke, bringing his attention back to her brown eyes. "I just brought it to life."

"I'm talking about your dress," he replied, haphazardly. He reached up to brush part of the shawl between his index finger and thumb. He couldn't help but caressed her arm down to her wrist, taking the white glass from her. Surprisingly, she did not pull away. "Dance with me." He placed both his glass and hers on the countertop before taking her hand and leading her to the ballroom.

"Lex, I-" Tyla looked over as they passed a few people. She smiled politely and averted the looks from others. "Is this a good idea?" Her voice was barely audible as they entered the room. A string quartet with a piano filled down to a slower tune.

"Yes, I am allowed to dance with my assistant," Lex scoffed. "You know that I have done worse to merit news of a scandal." She had managed most and reduced them to merely rumors. Dancing with a friend and colleague to whom he had not the pleasure to talk to all evening would not break either of their reputations. "I trust you know how to waltz?"

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