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*Narrator POV*

"I-I think I'll wait outside and watch the bags" Harry stuttered as they stood in front of the huge rollercoaster. He had to tilt his head up to look to the top of the rollercoaster. It was enormous. Gigantic.

"Aww, are you afraid? Why did you come here then, Harry?" Liam cooed sarcastically which caused Harry to look down at his feet again and stay silent. He had two options: go on an enormous rollercoaster and talk to the people who made sure he put his seatbelt on properly or stand here all by himself and getting looked at by all the judging people.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Good. Then wait here and we'll be back soon" Edward said and threw his bag onto Harry's feet. The others copied his actions and walked towards the entrance of the rollercoaster, except for Louis. He put an arm around Harry's shoulders and asked: "You'll be okay?".

Harry nodded without a word.

"Okay. See you soon" Louis said and then walked off, following the rest of their group.

The whole time, Harry didn't move. He just kept his head down and had his arms crossed in front of his chest. He could hear people walking by and talking to each other but not once did he dare to look up.

Only when he heard a "Hey Haz. It was amazing! You've definitely missed out" he looked up to be met with crystal blue eyes. A smile appeared on his face as he answered: "That's great but I don't really mind. I'd rather do something else".

"Like what?" Louis asked while the other boys picked up their bags from the floor. Harry shrugged and mumbled: "I don't know yet". Louis opened his mouth and was about to say something when Edward said: "I think it is time for some alcohooool".

The other boys agreed quickly and they made their way to the next beverage booth. "So, how do two shots of Vodka for each sound?" Edward asked and the boy's eyes widened. "Two shots of straight Vodka? Man, I'm gonna be really drink tonight if we continue this" Zayn laughed but agreed eventually.

"Would you fancy a drink too, Haz?" Louis asked the curly haired boy, who nodded. "Okay, what would you like? Vodka? Tequila? Gin? Ba -" "Apple juice pwease?" Harry smiled and slapped a hand on his mouth when he realised the way he said 'please'.

The fact that Louis took so good care of him and always made sure that he was not being left out, caused him to feel nothing but comfortable. He wanted to be taken care of by him. He wanted him to be there when he was in little headspace. But now was not the right moment for this.

Louis only smiled at the reaction and said: "C'mon, then tell the waitress". Harry's body tensed up and he slowly shook his head no. He couldn't do this. He didn't even know what to say to her. 'Hello. Apple juice please' or 'Hello I would please like to have apple juice maybe please?'. No. He couldn't.

"I don't think I'm thirsty anymore" Harry said with teary eyes. Louis' face softened when he noticed the tears in Harry's eyes. "Hey, it's okay. I'll order for you, yeah?" Louis offered with a smile and pulled the boy into a hug.

Harry closed his eyes and breathed in Louis' scent for the few seconds their hug lasted. Then he opened his bag and pulled out his purse to hand Louis the exact four pounds the drink costed.

Harry received his drink a little earlier than the boys their shots, so he had more time to finish his drink. In the meanwhile, the boys decided to ride the bumper cars next. They downed the two shots, leaving a stinging in their throats but they were used to it from all the night of partying.

Again, Harry walked behind them as they walked to the attraction. His head was tilted down since he wanted to avoid looking at other people, which caused him to bump into a hard back. He looked up in fear. "S-Sorry. I'm sorry" he pressed out under his heavy breath.

"It's okay. But how about you actually look at what is happening in front of you next time?" Liam snarled. Harry nodded and looked to his right. He was uncomfortable. He never seemed to get on with Liam very well to be honest.

"Are you gonna come with this time?" Niall asked but Harry shook his head 'no' again. He didn't think bumping into other people with a car was fun. So the boys went alone while he watched the bags again. After that, they returned to the booth and picked up their two shots of Vodka once again.

They were heading to the ferris wheel when Harry spotted it. He gasped and stopped in his tracks to look at all the stuffies in front of him. But one teddy bear caught his eye. It had beige fur and blue eyes. 'Just like Louis' eyes' he thought.

The boys thankfully noticed that he stopped at the booth. Edward narrowed his eyes at his little brother. He hoped this would not happen here. He knew everything about Harry's little secret since that day he found all the binkies in a box under his bed two months ago.

Harry glanced at the boys to see them looking at him and then pointed to the teddy with his finger. Louis stepped closer and read what the sign of the booth said. "You have to knock down all the cans to win the bear. You wanna try?" he asked.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the young boy behind the booth. How was he going to say this? He could choose between three, five and ten balls. He tried thinking of any phrases but couldn't come up with any. Besides, what if the boy behind the booth thought that he couldn't do it anyway? That he was too weak and uncoordinated?

But he really wanted the teddy bear.

Carrot had recently told him that he wanted a teddy bear as a play companion while Harry was in school. Carrot was Harry's stuffie by the way. It was a rabbit and he thought it was funny to name him 'Carrot'.

He looked at the teddy once again. He was perfect for carrot. He already imagined cuddling with him at night after changing into his favourite teddy onesie. Oh, and Carrot would definitely have a say in choosing a name for the teddy!

Carrot and Harry really wanted the bear. But Harry couldn't.

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