The sad truth of Bean boi pt.4

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(Hey shout out to Godslayer2468 for such a big help with giving me the rest of episode one, and sorry it took me so long. I HAVE SCHOOL, CLEAN UP AT MY HOUSE, AND SO MUCH MORE, my mom had me stop being on my phone for long periods of time and had "banned" anime in the house except pokemon)

In a alternate universe

All for one: where am I, where is everyone

???: you are here to react to something with me and my friend

Small time skip

???:it really pisses me off many times Katsuki gets away with shit for stuff like rape and traumatizing izuku's throughout the universes

All for one is just sitting there in rage

Back to the main story verse

Tempest: ah, I see he took the old man with him *turns to seen a very pissed off Katsuki frozen in place and grins maniacally while forming a marker* oh this is going to be fun

Flashforward to now

We see a bit of slime combine into what seems to be a bigger sleeping slime

???: I'm thinking this is a bad idea, he doesn't have the right mind right now......he he is...I don't know he just doesn't feel right, you know.

????: Yes, it is strange, we use a character from inside him and take him to see things with us. It is.... strange

Back to the group

All for one has gotten his memory erased until he sees the two figures again.


Kirishima: dude, fuck off (causing gasps) he's not even near you, how can he do this if he's not even close to you

Katsuki just mumbles

"Sorry about that back there. I didn't mean to get you caught up in my justicing"

All for one: really? Why couldn't your talking be at least half of that the other users combined had

"Usually I pay more attention to keeping bystanders safe. But it turns out this city's sewer system is pretty difficult to navigate." *all might laugh*

Nezu: you know, you could have, I don't know, done research on that part of the city before going to the job since you need to be prepared for anything.

All might: y-yes sir

All might: anyway, you were a big help. Thank you! I've captured the evil-doer!

Mina: why bottles as something to capture the villain with. That's just temporary and the fact it could easily be opened if in the wrong hands

Katsuki, all might, and izuku flinched at the last comment

Tempest: that's because the only thing, I don't know why or how, he had on him was two bottles so he couldn't really capture the villain any other way

All might starts to smile but gets interrupted

Tempest: just because I backed you up, don't mean jack squat about how I feel about you, be my universe or not. I still can't stand your guts, except for that universe.......but we'll get to that one later

Izuku thoughts 'the worlds most amazing hero in the entire world. . . All might! The real thing. In the flesh. Standing right in front of me! He looks so much cooler in person!'

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