Amity: uh, I must want yourself....because you sure are something stupid!

Eda, in the background: that was a smooth as sandpaper 


Luz: if I were a drink I'd be a cherry Vanilla Coke. If you were a drink what would you be?

Amity: bleach 

Hunter: sewage

Luz: please calm down edgelords


Eda: where's Hunter?

King: doing stuff

Eda: I don't like the sound of that. Where's Luz?

King: trying to stop Hunter from doing the stuff

Eda: and Amity?

King: trying to Luz from stopping Hunter from doing the stuff

Eda: I see. And what are you doing here, King?

King: I'm supposed to be stopping you from stopping Amity from stopping Luz from stopping Hunter from doing the stuff


Eda: Your homework for tonight is to become SO good at counting. Don't let me down, please.

King: 1

Luz: 2

Hunter: 3

Hooty: 4

Eda: W

Lilith, biting back tears: you always screw everything up for me...I was so patient with you at first because I thought you were just a stupid moron, but I can tell you get the statistic pleasure for trying to stop my personal progress. Well, not anymore!


Luz: I guess I'm just too tough to cry

Eda: yesterday you were crying about snakes

Luz, sobbing: thEy doN't hAvE anY ArMs!


Beta Luz: last Christmas, I asked for the sexist person alive. I woke up in a box.


Hunter: here's a fun Christmas idea. We'll hang Mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it

Luz: we are not doing that

Eda, singing: mistlefoe!



Amity: hello Luz marry me

Amity: haha I meant merry Christmas stupid autocorrect

Luz: this is a verbal conversation 


Luz: are you okay?

Hunter: yeah I'm fine

Luz: what does 'fine' mean?

Hunter: it means I'm perfectly content but also wouldn't mind if the sun exploded right now and killed us all


Luz: hey wanna hear a joke

Hunter: I'm more into dark humor

Luz: *turns the light off* so the joke is-


Luz, bursting through the door: guys! 

Amity: what?

Luz: if watermelons exist, why aren't there firemelons, earthmelons, and airmelons?

Gus: the three elemelons 

Everyone except Gus and Luz: *gets up and walks out of the room*


Amity: you look nice, I want to kiss you

Luz: what? 


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