Robb squinted his eyes. He cannot help but feel that this man look somewhat familiar even though he had never meet him. He looks like a Stark, that was a given with his Grey eyes and wearing Stark colours.

"Wait, Stark colours, long Face, And a bronze crown of winter can he be" his eyes widened as he recognised the figure standing in front of him "No way, it can't be him!!"

The man smirked seeing his shocked face "Looks like you finally found out who I am!! Took you long enough Wolf Pup" He drawled sarcastically "Even then let me introduce myself" He smirked before bowing mockingly " I am Theon Stark, but you will know me better as Theon Stark The Hungry Wolf, The Bane of Andals and The Ravager of Andalos!!"

"But eh" Robb asked dumbfounded and wondering if he is hallucinating.

"Magic of the Old Gods and let's leave it to that" The Hungry Wolf answered with the same arrogant smirk adorned on his weathered face.

"Wait, magic is real?" Robb asked in amazement.

Theon chuckled at his enthusiasm "Of course they are real, it's the reason I am standing in front of you! Oh Heir To Winterfell"

"Then what are you doing hear? What do you want from me"

"Well you did asked for advice from the Old Gods and I am here to provide it to you!!" Theon shrugged.

Robb eyes widened with surprise and excitement. Theon Stark was considered one of the greatest war commander and tactician that Westeros had ever seen as he had defeated a numerical and technological superior foe with nothing but cunning tactics and grim determination. He was regarded as a hero in the North as it was him who defended the North from the Andal Invasion.

He was also one of Robb's role figurehead. He was always fascinated with The Hungry Wolf and he had spent hours in library reading all the tactics he had used in his battles.

And now learning that he was about to receive advice from his role figure filled Robb with a giddy happiness.

"What is it??" Robb asked refraining himself from bouncing up and down in excitement.

"Only one!!" Theon paused before looking Robb right in the eye and said in a serious tone "Forsake Honour!!"

"Huh??" Robb asked confused.

"If you want to win this coming war you have to forsake your Honour" Theon said seriously.

Robb felt a feeling of dread in the pit of of his stomach. For all his life his father had taught him and all his siblings about the code of honour and how to live with it. And now one of his role figurehead is telling him to throw all his life teachings of his father like nothing.

"What do you mean by that??" Robb demanded "You mean that I throw all of the teachings of my father, the same father I am trying to rescue"

"Yes!!" he replied simple "If you are going to win this war then it's a necessary sacrifice don't you think"

"I can't do that!!" Robb shouted "Honour is what defines House Stark!!"

"Don't shout at your elders, Boy!!" Theon snarled silencing Robb "And if you think honour defines House Stark then you are a fool"

Seeing Robb's shocked look he continued "You say that honour defines us, do you know what the Old Kings Of Winter did to their enemies, Boy??" Robb shook his head no "The sacrificed them to the Weirwood trees, by cutting their bellies and throats open and strangling their guts into teee branches for a slow torturous death!!"

Robb looked shocked at that, while he did know that often prisoners or deserters who were sentenced to death were often beheaded in front of Weirwood trees, he didn't know anything about blood sacrifice.

"The Old Kings even gave their enemies to the Boltons, to be flayed alive for any information" Theon continued further horrifying the young Lord of Winterfell.

Theon paused before looking at Robb and asking "Do you know what I did to the Andals"

Robb gulped!! Of course he have heard it. Everybody have heard how The Hungry Wolf ransacked the entire Island of Andalos, how he had butchered every single men, women and children before mounting there Heads on spikes in the coast of The North as a warning to any would be invaders.

"So now you see!!" Theon began "It wasn't honour that helped me to win the war against those seven worshipping curs, but fear and blood did!!" He looked at Robb in the eye "I put the fear of the Old Gods in their souls and after that they didn't dared to attack The North again"

"But my father......" he began but Theon cut him off.

"Is rotting in a cell for his precious honour" Theon roared " Your younger brother is crippled and your sister is a prisoner of the enemy. All because of bloody honour!!"

Robb stumbled back a bit, taking deep breaths before looking at the man standing in front of him "Forsake Honour"

"Forsake Honour" Theon agreed, nodding his head slightly.

Suddenly the background is covered in light.

"Well looks like it is time for you to wake up" Theon noted before turning his back on him and beginning to walk away.

"Wait!!" Robb shouted but he suddenly felt dizzy as his eyes dropped.

"Good luck Young Wolf, you are gonna need it" It was the last thing he heard before falling into slumber.


Robb's eyes shot open as woke up with a gasp.

He looked around frantically breathing before turning to look at the Weirwood tree in shock.

Forsake Honour!!

"Your real!!" Robb muttered breathlessly before he began chuckling which turned into a full grown laughter.

"Forsake honour!!" he muttered before turning around the direction of the exit of the Godswood and began walking out leaving the sacred place behind.

And Done!

Now many of you will complain why Jon joined the Night's Watch. Well it's pretty simple, while Lady Stark treated him well than she did in canon, Jon still wants to make a name for himself and being a bastard the only place is the Night's Watch. But don't worry Jon will appear in the story as he had a very important role to play.

Also, Arya Stark never went King's Landing with Ned and Sansa and stayed safely at Winterfell.

And the most important thing. I am a huge Robb Stark fan, for me he was everything I wanted in a character. I hate how the show butchered his entire character. Hopefully this fanfic will do him justice.

If you liked this chapter don't forget to leave a comment because always remember reviews are food for a writer's Soul.

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