23. Unknown and Unheard Confessions

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Expecto patronum!"

(Y/N) sat in the edge of a desk as he watched Harry shout out the incantation. The Patronus burst out of his wand, a shining figure rendered unrecognisable as it remained behind a cloud of shimmering silver.

It hung between Harry and the Boggart-Dementor that was rising slowly and looking at the Patronus with great intrigue. It wasn't backing away.

Harry stood his ground like a rock, his wand pointed directly at the Boggart-Dementor that was outstretching its arm towards him.

The shining figure continued to float in between the pair for a few more seconds before it faded into nothingness.

The raven-haired boy began trembling slightly, and it wasn't long before his knees buckled and he was falling backwards.

(Y/N) leapt forwards, propping Harry up with his shoulder, almost draping the weary boy over his back as if he was picking him up.

The Boggart transformed with a familiar crack but (Y/N) did not turn to face (M/N), he knew she was there because of her attempts to console a stirring baby.

With another crack, the Boggart transformed once more and (Y/N) heard Professor Lupin say, "Riddikulus!"

The Boggart whizzed around the room before it slammed into the trunk and was locked away, like it had been doing for the last month.

(Y/N) let Harry sit as he slowly put him down. Lupin tossed him a piece of chocolate as he checked the trunk was secure; it was an odd little routine that had developed.

Prodding his cheek lightly, (Y/N) watched as Harry slowly took the piece of chocolate from his hands; looking both exhausted and bitter.

Harry complained about his failed attempt at the Patronus Charm as he had always done after his attempts.

"You're expecting far too much from yourself," said Professor Lupin sternly. "For a thirteen year old wizard, even an indistinct Patronus is a huge achievement. You aren't passing out any more, are you?"

"Doing better than me in that department then, aren't you, Potter? Remember last week? Madam Pomfrey tore Lupin a new one when she found out the reason I had a broken nose was because I fainted and face planted on the floor."

"You've got to use your head for that though, don't you?" Harry said bitterly.

"I know that isn't really your department, Harry, it's true I use it more than you —"

"You know that's not what I meant — your Legilimency and all that. You pass out sometimes because of "mental strain" and everything. I almost collapse because all my Patronus does is hang there."

"What do you want it to do? Pick up a sword and shield to protect you like a gallant knight?"

"I thought a Patronus would — charge the Dementors down or something," said Harry, sounding disheartened. "Make them disappear —"

"The true Patronus does that," said Lupin, placing himself in the conversation. "But you've both achieved a great deal in a very short space of time. If the Dementors put in an appearance at your Quidditch match, you two will be able to keep them at bay long enough to get back to the ground."

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