18. A Truly Magical Christmas

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(Y/N)'s POV

The sky outside was pitch black, it had been a few hours since (Y/N) had returned home from the park. Oddly enough, the image of the black dog still stuck in his head; even as he aimlessly stared out his window from his desk.

For some reason, (Y/N) felt as if he was still staring at the the dog's eyes. He felt as sense of connection and familiarity but he had never seen that dog before. So all he did in the moment was lean back in his chair as he stretched his arms.

"I wonder if I'll see it again."

Staring at the ceiling, (Y/N) sat in silence as he rocked slightly back and forth.

He felt his eyelids begin to droop and he was certain he was going to fall asleep but he was shocked back awake when he heard a car door slam from outside.

(Y/N) gripped the edge of his desk in attempt to not fall back on his chair. His eyes blinked in surprise and he looked out his window to see the street slightly illuminated from the headlights of a car.

He squinted at the darkness around the car to see a girl standing by the passenger-side door, leaning down as she must've been chatting to whoever sat down in the driver's seat.

When she pulled back and faced the house, (Y/N) recognised her as his sister, Claire. He pushed his chair back as he excitedly went to greet his sister.


"It had to be the end of the lecture when the guy recognised he had his fly down! He didn't even say anything and just went beet red! I swear karmic justice has never been more deserved — dude was an arse who thought he was better than everyone."

The (L/N)'s had gathered in their living room as they listened to Claire excitedly list off experiences she had at university.

Soon enough Tom and Ben began to list off their months at school, although it was mainly stories of dumb pranks they pulled and detentions they avoided.

Eventually (Y/N)'s time at school was the topic of conversation. He did his best to keep the escape of Sirius Black being a wizarding world problem, as well as the Dementors being positioned around the castle.

He talked about his classes, his teacher, as well as his first Quidditch match of the year (he made sure to not mention the injury to his ribs or Harry's fall), and he could tell he had his mum, dad and brothers hooked. However, as he recounted his months at school, he noticed all the eye rolls from his sister and her mini-scoffs.

It had gotten so late that both his brothers and sister decided to go to bed. Leaving (Y/N) and his mum and dad in the living room.

Eve was already dozing off, her head resting on her husband's shoulder as her eyes dropped and then blinked back open. She had time and time again refused to go to bed, as she repeated for the fifth time, "I'm just resting my eyes."

Eventually Adam managed to throw a blanket around her using one hand, being careful not to budge his shoulder that Eve was resting her head on, before he settled back into the sofa.

(Y/N) smiled at this small display of affection between his parents and he too, settled back into his armchair. He was eventually going to return to his bed to sleep but for now he simply wanted to sit down.

"(Y/N)," said Adam unexpectedly. "Can you do me a favour?"

Turning to his dad, (Y/N) quickly saw a lingering desperation in his eyes. With a raised eyebrow, he said, "What d'you need dad?"

"Could you just stick Halloween into the VHS player? I've been dying to watch it lately but your mum's always telling me not to because she doesn't like it."

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