Thanatos tensed, all muscles contracting and face setting into stone as he watched Hermes with a dark stare
"Princess Macaria" Hermes greeted
"... Hermes" I greeted softly.

He was clearly here for one thing
Messenger for the gods, deliverer of news
Good or bad
And with our current predicament and forbidden exit from the underworld, it couldn't be good.

"I have come on behalf of your father... your master" he said, switching his gaze to Thanatos
I stood up carefully, awaiting the confirmation that my father had found out
Knew that we left without permission
Knew that we were here together
And having to find some sort of reasoning as to why me and Thanatos were out together.

"Your father requests your presence back home" he said
"Requests?" I echoed
"Well, he demanded" he chuckled slightly
I repressed the sigh threatening my lips.

Whilst Thanatos slowly stood up himself, fingers twitching beside him as he stared at the ground.
"Of course Hermes, Thank you" I said sincerely, gathering my shawl and following Hermes down the hill.

I glanced at Thanatos as we walked. Side by side.
His fingers brushed against mine every now and then, my own itched to touch his
I wanted to just engulf my hand in his in reassurance that no matter what happens...

I was his. Eternally

Strolling through the gates of hell, looking up at the dark bricks looking at us.
I felt... helpless
What did my father know?
And what would we say if he was simply confused as to why we had abandoned the grounds and sneaked into the humans realm?

Hermes had remained silent. A morbid messenger when it came to my father's request of another's presence
It was better to just obey my father, rather than question him.

"Princess" the maids bowed as we walked through the grand doors
I headed for the throne room, Thanatos and Hermes falling into suit behind me
Hermes reluctance to get involved only pushed me further into the firing line of the almighty Hades' anger.

And there he sat
Tall and brooding, elegantly stoic in his black twisting throne
"Macaria" He spoke strongly, my name rolling off his tongue authoritatively.

I took a breath, and swallowed lightly, preparing myself for the incoming conflict
"Father" I greeted back
His gaze shifted once more
"Thanatos" he said
"My lord" he bowed loyally.

Because he was, he had loyalty running through every bleak vein in his body
"I have been informed of your rather... scandalous venture off the grounds" he explained.

I swallowed harshly, calming every flaming nerve coursing through me.
"Is that so?" I asked softly, looking to Thanatos subtly beside me.
"Indeed. So would one of you care to explain why you so blatantly and without care left hell in the early hours of this morning?" He asked. Glaring at both of us harder than I had ever seen.

"Or why my guards were sleeping at their posts? Why my daughter, my loyal and most trusted child had slipped from my grasp and disobeyed me... disobeyed my mind and heart and invoked worry through to my core?" He asked, shifting his focus to Thanatos.

"Why my companion. My harborer of death and peace, my kind assistant who stands by me in the darkest hours, was found stole away with the most precious jewel of my entire kingdom?" He asked sternly.

A love sweet like deathWhere stories live. Discover now