Chapter 9 - That Wasn't Smart

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Elena was at the bathroom at Fangtasia, cleaning herself up from Longshadow's blood. She looked at the mirror, and washed her face a couple of times until the blood was off.

In the meantime, Bill, Eric and Pam watched Ginger cleaning the floor. "How did I end up with you people?" Ginger asked, "Jesus. Mother Mary in heaven. I'm so sorry, Mama. I'm so sorry."

Eric glanced at Pam, "When Ginger is finished, glamour her for me."

Pam raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure? She's been glamoured one too many times already. Who knows how much of her is left."

"It's either that or turn her. You want her?" Eric asked.

Pam gave him a look, "Please, I'm not that desperate. Glamour it is."

Eric smirked slightly, "Excellent." He looked at Bill, "Come. I'll buy you a Blood."

Eric turned and walked away, Bill followed him to his office. Eric handed a bottle of Tru Blood to him. Bill gave him a small nod, "Thank you."

Eric walked around his desk and sat down, "How do you stomach that stuff? Don't you find it metallic and vile?"

"I don't think about it," Bill answered. "It's sustenance, that's all." Eric laughed, and Bill frowned, "What?"

"If you're their poster boy, the mainstreaming movement is in very deep trouble," Eric said, "Tru Blood. It keeps you alive, but it will bore you to death."

Bill sighed and placed the bottle down on the desk, "Let's cut to the chase, shall we?"

Eric shrugged, "You killed a vampire, Bill. For a human. What are we gonna do about this?"

Bill tilted his head, "What do you have in mind?"

"I'll take the girl," Eric said immediately.

"No," Bill said quickly. Eric raised an eyebrow. "You can have anyone. Why do you want her?"

"Why do you want her?" Eric asked, tilting his head, "You're very protective over her."

"Elena must be protected," Bill said.

Eric smirked slightly, "Yes..." He let his smirk fad away and leaned forward on his chair, "Who is she to you? She's not a lover, not with how you take care of her and look at her. She's not yours." Bill glared at him. "You killed to save her, what are you not telling me?"

Bill stared at him for a moment before he finally spoke, "Elena is my descendant." Eric looked slightly surprised by this. "This is why I did what I did."

Eric leaned back on his chair, "Mmm. That explains everything now."

Bill clenched his jaw and tilted his head lightly, "If I hadn't done what I did, would you have let his disloyalty stand?"

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