Chapter 6 - Here Lays

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Still in her flower blue dress, Elena was sitting with a yet still in shock Sookie in the Stackhouse home, in the living room. Sookie was still in her dress as well, but Sam had wrapped a blanket around her to keep her warm from the cold.

The police was already at the house and were in the kitchen with Adele's body. Elena was doing her best to comfort her blonde friend, and noticed her staring toward the kitchen. She was clearly hearing the cops' thoughts and Elena blocked her view of them, "Sook... why don't we get some fresh air?"

Sookie blinked, and slowly nodded, "Yeah," she spoke softly.

Elena nodded, "Yeah? Come on," she said softly and glanced at Sam, who nodded to her to take her.

Sookie and Elena got up and walked out to sit on the porch. Sookie stared forward and Elena glanced down at the blonde's legs, which were still covered with some of her grandmother's blood.

Elena looked at Sookie's face, "Hey?" she asked softly, "How about we go upstairs, and get you cleaned up?"

Sookie shook her head slightly but she wasn't looking at her, "No thank you," she said softly. She glanced at her, "What happened to Bill?"

"I think he's upstairs," Elena answered, "Want me to get him?"

Sookie nodded, "Thank you," she said and Elena nodded and petted her back gently as she stood up, and walked inside. She looked to the living room but didn't see Sam there anymore.

Bill and Sam were in Sookie's bedroom, talking. "I want you to stay away from them," Sam said, "Elena and Sookie."

Bill and Sam stared each other down. Bill raised an eyebrow, "You know, Sookie doesn't take kindly to people makin' decisions for her. And I'm sure Elena doesn't either."

"You don't need to tell me who Elena and Sookie are," Sam said, "I know who they are. I've known a long time. What I want to know, is why you keep coming to Elena?"

"It's not your concern," Bill said.

"Everything that involves to her safety, is my concern," Sam said, glaring at him as he stepped closer. "So what's your deal with her?" Bill didn't answer and continued to stare at him. Sam stepped closer to him, "Anything happens to Elena, I promise, I'll be sharpening a stake with your name on it."

"No harm will comes to Elena, not with me or anyone else," Bill said, "Including from you. Tell me the true. What is it that you really feeling about her?"

"I love her," Sam answered, and Bill stared at him, "I won't be the one who will hurt her."

"I hope not," Bill said, and Sam tilted his head. "Because if you do, you'll be answering to me."

The two men stared down at each other, until Elena appeared at the doorway. "Hey," she said and they looked at her. Elena looked between them in confusion and looked at Bill, "Sookie's asking for you."

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