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🍃(Still) March 23

"We're here," I announce. 

You hop out before I can open the door for you like a gentleman. 

My hand seeks yours as soon as it can. 

You don't seem to mind it, but you look up at me with sorrowful eyes. 

"Please don't hurt me," you whisper, "This is the last chance I'm giving you to leave."

My chest tightens when I hear you. 

I've seen you angry, pensive and even a little playful, but this was downright sad. 

"Y/N, I can't even dream of hurting you. I'm not going to put you through anything like that. You never deserved to go through that."

I never thought about it before so much. 

Of course, I was shocked when you told me, but I didn't think too deeply about it. 

But imagine saving your virginity for your soulmate, and having it snatched by someone who lied to you that he was the one. 

Jean is sick in the head. I would dislocate his jaw the next time I saw him.

You nod, squeezing my hand. 

"Let's go."

This time, it's you tugging me inside. 

My eyes immediately widen as I see the artwork displayed in the lobby. 

It's the colors that attract me the most, the thick swirls of paint coloring in the tree. 

"Oh, wow," I gasp. 

"Taehyung, it's just a tree."

"We should come back here when you can see colors, 'cause... damn."

You don't say anything, merely looking at me with curiosity. 

As we look at each exhibit, you don't even complain whenever I stop for quite a while. 

You simply go with it, choosing to play with my fingers instead of making a fuss. 

I glance at the painting of a woman, below which there's a palette of all the colors used along with their names. 

We're coming to the end of the art pieces, and will soon reach the rooms where you can have fun with colors and try to name them. 

I'm still trying to grasp what each color is. 

"You have nice hands," you blurt all of a sudden. 

Judging by the way your hand flies to your mouth, I can tell you hadn't meant to say it. 

Your cheeks turn the softest shade of pink as you attempt to avert my gaze. 

I move my head to meet your gaze whichever direction you try to look. 

I can feel you grow frustrated, but it's funny to rile you up.

You push my face away, a half-hearted glare on your face as I can still see your small smile.

"Taehyung," you whine.

"Thank you," I giggle, "No one's ever said my hands are nice before."

"They haven't?" you ask, genuinely puzzled. 

"No. I always thought they were too big to be pretty."

I freeze as I see the name of the sculpture standing in the middle. 


It's a small cluster of flowers, surrounded by leaves. 

But it reminds me of something else, or rather, someone else. 

All thoughts of her had been pushed to the very back of my mind once I touched you. 

Now they come back in crashing waves. 


You may be my soulmate, but old feelings are hard to forget.

A/N: Unfortunately, this story will be on hold for a while. I have to leave for hell, aka, my college. Although laptops are allowed, it's a struggle to gain access to the internet as there's a huge, torturous process of 3 weeks for our credentials. And after that, we have tons of exams too. So, this will be on hold for a while. 

But, I will get back to it as soon as I escape from that place. Thank you for reading so far. 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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