At uncle Clint's house!

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*It's 30 minutes before 11 am*
Wanda: okay Y/n! Are you ready?
Y/n: I'm ready!
Wanda: okay then! Step in the car!
*Wanda helps you step in the car and puts your seatbelt on*
Y/n: thank you!
Wanda: no problem sunshine!
*she starts the car and drive to Clint's house*
*After 30 minutes of driving*
*Wanda parks the car because you guys arrived at Clint's house*
*Wanda sees that your asleep so she picks you up and walks with you inside*
Clint: oh! Hello! Come in!
Clint: she's so cute When she sleeps!
Wanda: She is still tired from her fever attack and from yesterday!
Clint: what happened yesterday?
Wanda: well she got a little mad and she accidentally kicked Yelena!
Wanda: and then Yelena started shouting at her. So she got scared!
Wanda: and she didn't stop crying hysterically because she was to scared.
Wanda: so she cry'd herself to sleep when Nat was with her.
Clint: oh girl...!
*you start to wake up slowly*
Clint: hello there!
Y/n: Auntie Wanda?
Wanda: yes prinsess?
Y/n: is this uncle Clint?
Wanda: yes! That's uncle Clint!
Clint: hi Y/n!
Y/n: hi!
*you start playing with Wanda's hair because your a little nervous*
Wanda: Y/n? Are you a little nervous maybe?
*you nod yes*
Clint: let's take a seat!
*Wanda goes sit on the sofa while you're sitting on her lap*
Clint: I heard that your not allowed to got to school for 2 weeks!
Y/n: yes! That's right!
Clint: do you wanna play maybe?
Y/n: yes!
Wanda: she likes it to fly from person to person!
Clint: I didn't know you can fly?!
*you start smiling and fly to him*
Clint: wow! Good job girl!
*he picks you up so he can give you a hug*
Clint: you're really good!
Y/n: thank you!
*Clint sees the wound on your knee you got at the playground*
Clint: what happened to your knee?
Y/n: I was at the playground with auntie Wanda and uncle Pietro when I fell on my knee!
Wanda: yeah! I was running after her while she was laughing when she suddenly fell on her knee!
Y/n: but it doesn't hurt anymore cuz I got a big hug from them so I feel better!
Clint: that's great!
Clint: are you hungry?
Y/n: a little.
Clint: do you want to order pizza?
*you gasp*
Y/n: YES!!!
Wanda: I guess someone's happy?
Y/n: yep!!
*Clint goes to the kitchen and orders your favourite pizza*
*Clint comes back*
Clint: do you wanna watch tv?
Y/n: yes please!
*Clint puts on the tv*
-30 minutes later-
*its 12 am now*
*the pizza delivery guy rings the doorbell*
Wanda: I'll go!
*5 minutes later Wanda comes back with the pizza*
Clint: come here Y/n! If you go sit down on a chair you can get a pice!
Y/n: yes sir!
*you salute and go sit down on a chair*
Clint: hahaha! Since when did she do that?!
Wanda: she did it when Nat was giving her spaghetti!
*Clint and Wanda start laughing*
Y/n: What?!
Wanda: Nothing!
Y/n: okay!
*after lunch*
Wanda: I see that someone is tired!
*Wanda smiles*
Y/n: mmh...maybe...
Wanda: it's okay!
Wanda: we need to go home!
Y/n: okay...
*you look a little sad*
Clint: why are you sad?
Y/n: I don't really wanna go home...
Clint: if you go home now I promise that I will come over soon! Okay?
Y/n: okay!
*Wanda picks you up and walks outside whit you in her arms*
Wanda: say bye to uncle Clint!
Y/n: Byee!
Clint: bye!
*Wanda sits you in your car seat and put on your seatbelt*
*you wave your hand until you cant see Clint's house anymore*
Wanda: I have a surprise for you!
Y/n: what is it?!
Wanda: close your eyes until I say you can open them!
*you close your eyes*
*5 minutes later you arrive at the toy's shop*
Wanda: open your eyes!
*you open your eyes*
Y/n: where are we?
Wanda: we are at the toy's shop! You can chose a toy because you were a good girl!
Y/n: really?!
Wanda: yes! Come! Let's go!
*you two go inside*
*you see a big stuffed animal*
Y/n: wow! I'm gonna ask that for my birthday!
Wanda: you don't need to cuz your getting it now!
*you gasp*
Y/n: really?!
Wanda: yes!
*Wanda laughs*
-1 hour later-
*you two arrive back home*
*on the way home you fell asleep with your stuffed animal in your hands*
Wanda: hey Y/n!
Wanda: we're home!
*you wake up*
Y/n: I'm gonna show everyone what I got!
Y/n: thank you auntie Wanda!
Wanda: no problem! Let's go inside!
*You and Wanda go inside*
Yelena: WOW! Where does that stuffed animal come from?!
Y/n: auntie Wanda gave it to me because I was a good girl!
Wanda: it was a hard time for her so I gave it to her!
*Yelena kneels to your height*
Yelena: well your a lucky girl!
*30 minutes later*
-it's now 15 pm-
*Nat comes into your room and sees that you and Wanda are asleep*
Nat: ohh! That's so cute!
*Nat quickly takes her phone and makes a photo of you two*
*Nat goes downstairs really fast and shows Yelena the photo*
Yelena: aww!
Nat: isn't it cute!
*Yelena and Nat are laughing*

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