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Y/n: can grandma and grandpa come so I can say goodnight?
Yelena: ofc! I'm gonna get them!
*Yelena goes downstairs to say Alexei and Melina that need to come*
Yelena: Alexei? Melina? Y/n asked me to get you two.
Melina: ok! We're coming!
Alexei: what do we need to do?
Melina: we're gonna say goodnight to Y/n!
Alexei: oh...ok!
*they both go upstairs in your room*
Melina: I've heard you needed us?
Y/n: that's right!
Y/n: I wanna say goodnight!
Alexei: goodnight!
Melina: sleepwell!
*your half asleep as they leave your room*
Y/n: bye...
*Alexei and Melina go downstairs*
Yelena: and? Tell me how it went?
Melina: it was really cute!
Alexei: I didn't know you had a daughter before I met her.
Yelena: that's because I didn't want her to be in danger when she was a baby.
Melina: but who's the dad?
Yelena: ...
*Nat walks into the room when she sees Yelena tearing up*
Nat: her dad died 3 and a half year ago...
Nat: Y/n didn't even know him...
*Yelena starts to cry. So Nat gives her a hug*
Yelena: we both wanted a kid...
Yelena: and when I told him I couldn't get kids we decided to adopt one...
Yelena: so we went to the doctor who gave us info about adopting kids...
Yelena: so after that we found a little baby alone on the streets so we gave her up for adoption but nobody wanted her. So we decided that we wanted to adopt her...
Yelena: after 3 months Nat found out that we adopted her...
Nat: but she wanted to keep her safe so I didn't tell anyone. Except Bruce because when she was 3 months old she got sick and Yelena asked Bruce to do a check up on her.
Melina: and now we know her as a 3 year old kid acting like a big girl!
*she says while laughing*
Yelena: but the thing is that she has a happy family filled with people who loves her!
Nat: and she's the cutest girl I've ever known!
Yelena: but she can be a bit handful!
*Yelena smiles a little again*
Yelena: so I wanted to ask you guys to help sometimes because this morning was a hell!
Yelena: I came to her room to wake her up and out of nothing she was screaming and shouting that she didn't wanted to go to school!
Nat: it was so hard to see her so upset.
Yelena: yeah...
*after a few hours Melina and Alexei decided to go home*
*Yelena and Nat go to bed*
-time skips to 2 am in the morning-
*Yelena wakes up from a weird noice in your room so she decided to go check on you*
*she walks into your room when she sees you shaking on your bed*
*she goes fast as she can to Nat's room*
*Yelena starts yelling*
Yelena: Nat! Natasha! Natasha Romanoff!
*Nat wakes up in panic because Yelena was yelling at her*
Nat: Yelena What's wrong?!
Yelena: i-i-walked I-into Y-Y/n's Room a-and she was shaking a-a-and I panicked...
Nat: Yelena! Breath! Breath! You can't talk without breathing!
Yelena: i-i-I...don't know what to do!!
Nat: You need to calm down!
*Yelena starts crying hysterically*
Yelena: h-h-help p-p-please!
Nat: okay show me!!
*they go to your room fast as they can*
*Nat sees now what Yelena means*
Nat: o.m.g.!
*Yelena is still crying*
Yelena: I don't know what to do!
Nat: I'll go wake Bruce and Wanda up!
*Nat goes to Bruce's room and wakes him up*
*they go to Wanda's room and wake her up to*
-now is everyone who's awake in your room while your still shaking-
Nat: what do we do now?!
Bruce: Wanda! You need to look into her head!
Wanda: ok! Give me a second!
*Wanda tries to look in your head but she can't get in*
Wanda: I can't get in her head!!!
Yelena: WHAT?!
Bruce: someone take her to my lab! Right now!!
*Wanda picks you up and brings you to Bruce's lab*
*on the way there you start to wake up a little*
*you hear everyone screaming and shouting*
Wanda: she's waking up!!
Y/n: auntie...W-W-Wanda?
Wanda: yes! I'm here! It's Wanda!
*after a few seconds you faint again*
Wanda: GUYS!!! SHE'S AWAY!! AGAIN!!!
*Wanda lays you on the lab bed*
*Yelena takes your hand into hers*
Yelena: please baby! Wake up for mommy! Please! You can do it! I know it! Come on!
Bruce: I'm gonna run some tests on her right now!
*Bruce is done with the tests*
-it's 5 am now-
*Yelena hasn't left your side during everything*
Yelena: Bruce do you know the results from the tests you did?!
Bruce: yeah... but it isn't the best news...
Bruce: Y/n had a really bad fever attack...
Bruce: and I don't know if she's totally gonna recover.
Yelena: omg...NO! SHE HAS TO! I CAN'T LOOSE HER!!!

Yelena's DaughterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang