A new family member!

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Melina: that's okay!
Alexei: because you don't really feel so well...we brought you a little present!
*he pick up a big box from the ground and gives it to you*
*you open the box and you look really happy once you see what's in the box*
Yelena: what's inside the box?
Y/n: it's a puppy!
Yelena: ...
*Yelena looks inside the box and can't believe her eyes*
Yelena: omg!
*Yelena takes the puppy out of the box and gives it to you*
Wanda: is it a boy or a girl?
Melina: it's a girl!
Nat: it's so cute!
*tony, Steve, Thor and Bruce hear screaming from downstairs so they rush to you guys to see what's happening*
Tony: what's happening in here?!
*Thor sees the puppy*
Thor: uhm...Tony? I guess we have a new lid in the Belova family!
*Tony sees the puppy*
Tony: I- uhm... I don't know what to say...
Steve: it's so cute!
Bruce: it's adorable!
Nat: how are you gonna name her?
Y/n: mmh...
Y/n: Riley!
Yelena: that's a beautiful name!
*Riley jumps of Yelena's lap and runs over to you and Wanda*
*Wanda picks up Riley and gives her to you*
Alexei: what do you think about her?
Y/n: I love her!
Melina: aww!
Y/n: auntie Wanda?
Wanda: yes?
Y/n: I'm still tired can sleep again?
Wanda: ofc!
Y/n: but I wanna be with you...
Wanda: that's okay you can sleep while sitting on my lap!
Y/n: thank you...
*before Wanda can say something your already asleep*
Pietro: I guess she likes you Wanda!
*Pietro starts to laugh*
Wanda: shh! Your waking her up!
Pietro: oh... sorry!
Nat: Wanda?
Wanda: yes Nat?
Nat: maybe you need to try look into her head now. Maybe we can see how she feels because she always say that she doesn't know.
Wanda: good idea!
*Wanda looks inside your head*
*After 5 minutes*
Yelena: and?
Wanda: she is okay now but I guess that her fever is getting back!
Bruce: can someone wake her up please?
Melina: why?
Bruce: if she likes it or not but I really need to give her medication! But it's with a little needle...
Yelena: oh...no...!
Yelena: she's so scared of needles!
Bruce: I'm sorry but she doesn't have a choice!
Yelena: okay then!
*Nat wakes you up*
Nat: hey Y/n...
Nat: I'm sorry but your fever is getting back so uncle Bruce is gonna give you some medication! But it's with a needle...
Y/n: what?...
Bruce: I'm sorry Y/n! But you don't need to be scared...
Bruce: can I take your arm?
*you pull your arm away cuz your really scared*
Bruce: come on Y/n! You can do it! I really need your arm!
Melina: hey hunny...do you wanna get better?
Y/n: yes...
Melina: then you need to give your arm!
*you start to cry hysterically*
Y/n: n-nooo!!
Y/n: nooooo!!!
*Wanda hugs you really tight*
Y/n: I don't like needles!
*you start crying harder and harder*
Yelena: oh sweety! You need to!
Y/n: Nooo!!!
*you start to scream really loud*
Y/n: aaaaahh!
Bruce: I'm sorry Y/n!
*Bruce takes your arm and sticks the needle in it*
Y/n: no!!!
Y/n: aaaaahhh!!!!
Wanda: sssshhh! It's okay!
*you start crying so hard that Yelena can't take it anymore*
*Yelena leaves the room*
Alexei: I'll go look for her!
Y/n: oh no! Oh no! Oh no!
Nat: what's wrong Y/n?!
Y/n: I disappointed mommy!!
Nat: no! You didn't!
Nat: your mommy doesn't like it to see you in pain and cry!
Y/n: mommy is gonna hate me!
Steve: no! She's not!
Thor: she loves you more than everything!
Y/n: ...
*you start to feel tired from all the medication*
*after you stopped crying you fall asleep on Wanda's lap*

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