"Holy shit!" Maddie yelled, peddling faster as Mike, Lucas, and Dustin all yelled to hurry to each other. Maddie caught sight of Mike turning sideways at the last moment and followed his lead, the car behind them swerving right before it would have hit right into them.

Dustin fell over, having been the last one to make it to the side of the road. "Holy shit! Was that..." Dustin wondered, pointing towards the car. Lucas sighed. "Mad Max."

Maddie watched as the car continued on forwards, a hand going through her hair. "Jesus."

Mike put a hand on Maddies arm, causing the girl to turn his way. "You okay?" Maddie nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. You?" Mike nodded as well, picking up his bike from the ground.

"I'm not!" Dustin exclaimed, picking up his own bike. It seemed he had already stood back up and was now just in shock. Mike sighed, patting Dustin on the back. "Come on, let's just get to my place."

The other three nodded, the four all once again getting on their bikes and continuing on their way to Mikes.

Once at Mikes home, Maddie headed straight for the bathroom, ready to change into her costume. She took all the pieces out of her bag, straightening the dress out with her hand, trying to get out any super obvious wrinkles.

She slipped the tights on, putting her socks and shoes on next, and then slipped the dress on. Maddie then began working on her hair, just clipping half of it back with a clip and calling it a day. And then she put the mask on, correcting the placement before finally slipping the gloves on.

Maddie then walked out of the bathroom, looking around before spotting the boys in the kitchen. "Hey." Maddie smiled, making her way into the kitchen.

"What are you meant to be?" Dustin questioned, instantly getting smacked over the head my Lucas. "Ow!" Dustin snapped, giving Lucas a look. Maddie chuckled. "I'm Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, but cooler." Dustin nodded. "Oh, now I see it."

Maddie sent Dustin a thumbs up, turning towards Mike after. "Hey, could I borrow a pillowcase? It's the one thing I forgot."

Mike nodded, heading towards the stairs. "Yeah, let me grab you one." Maddie smiled from behind him. "Thank you."

When Mike came back, he handed Maddie the case, sending her a small smile. He then turned towards l Dustin, sending him a confused look. "Why are you going through my fridge?"

Dustin turned towards Mike. "Because I wanna know what you've got." Mike raised his eyebrows, turning away from Dustin as he turned back towards Maddie and Lucas. "Wills car is outside, we should go out to get ready to leave."

Lucas nodded, grabbing his bag he'd use for his candy. "Okay, let's go."

Dustin shut the fridge, following after Lucas as he made his way towards Mikes front door. Maddie followed along after, a small skip in her step as she did so, swinging around Mikes pillowcase.

Mike smiled a bit, following after Maddie.

They all got outside and waved to Will, who waved back excitedly. "Will, hey!" Dustin smiled, leading the other three towards all the other houses. They'd wait for Will just a bit away from Mikes house. "Don't cross the streams. Don't cross the streams!" Dustin bossed.

Maddie chuckled. "What does that even mean?" Dustin just looked at her. "It means don't cross the streams." Lucas rolled his eyes, using his pillowcase as a weapon as he hit Dustin with it. "Oh, you're on." Dustin laughed, hitting Lucas with his pillowcase back.

The two began to battle and Maddie found herself dodging poorly aimed attacks. Mike shook his head with a smile. "You're both so lame."

"Oh? We're lame are we?" Lucas questioned, an evil glint in his eye. Mike went to respond but before he could he had a pillowcase in his face. "Lucas!" Mike gasped, taking a moment before retaliating with his own pillowcase.

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