The only thing that the butler told him is that, this is a pert of his training.

He has tons of questions in his mind but he just chose to keep it and believe what the butler said.

Out of no where, he was dumped.

He have seen the sun rise and vanish on that same spot, for days he haven't eaten nor drink a drop pf water.

No one goes to look for him, he had become weaker and all he could do is to cry.

With all the pain he is in now, his mind let him believe that his grandfather father dumped him because why would he need a weak grandson.

Without any strength left, his vision blurred and fell on the ground.

The last thing he remembered is that someone walk towards him.

When he wake up he's  in a warm room laying over a bed and also a meal is prepared for him.

But it was not like how he expected, He and other people, young and old are used as a specimen.

Drugs and other stuffs are  injected into them.

There he met Axzurite and other fellows who were not treated as humans.

Experiments after experiments and they also experience the hardest kind of job in that place

Drugs and other chemicals injected to his blood streams causes his oddly different eyes and his white hair.

His physical appearance changes, and he's gaining strength.

Together with Axzurite, Alexarious Guiseppe killed the man who treated them as specimens.

Slowly, he converted that very place into what it is today.

From performing hard labor, people now works for him. Earning more than enough money.

But some still question his abilities because of who he is, so he started to wear that mask on to conceal his true self and continue his doings.

There comes a time when he wanted to personally ask his grandfather why he abandoned him.

From a far he saw him, instead of anger he felt joy but not until he saw him training other kids about his age.

Suddenly, everything turns into hatred

He chose to keep everything about him as a secret so no one could doubt his capabilities.

He put that mask on, maybe because he felt stronger and more confident.

For years, he works in making himself stronger and richer.

To have more money, he went to his biological father and show himself as his son.

After running DNA tests and confirming his claim, Vilches gave him another name so he could live as one of his sons.

Yes, he's now with his Dad. He receives all the wealth , but never the time and the love that he's craving for.

He still  secretly operates the hidden casino and arena under the river and he also does everything to be sure that those kids his grandfather trains will be in danger whenever they are in missions.

He become this story's antagonist because of all the sufferings he had in his past.

He was never treated as a human.

Society now classified him as a monster, but is he really the monster? or it is the society that sets standards

Standards that makes the cripples be labeled as worthless.

Inequality is around, and it makes the strong stronger and the weak becomes weaker.


THE door clashed open

"Another uninvited guest arrived" Alexarious Guiseppe uttered as he saw Reigue Xenonne coming in.

My sister is also involved?

Reigue Xenonne runs and hugs Alexarious Guiseppe, but he remained emotionless and pushed her away.

"Don't you love me anymore?"

He chuckled as he heard her "Love? how could I ever love if I have never experienced being loved? He walked closer to her "You are just nothing to me but a chess piece, I just need to to draw my self closer to them, when I'm closer to them, I can complete wreck their lives"  He stand up and laughed wickedly

He grab a gun aim it to her and shoot directly in her heart.

When she fall, he insanely laugh and shoot the ceiling. Water started to drip frim the holes

I don't know if he forgot that this whole structure is under the river or he did in on purpose.

As every second  passes by, cracks started to widen and water from the outside comes in.

Water level inside rises faster than expected,

"We'll all die here, including everyone out there gambling"

I got irritated from what Alexarious Guiseppe said so I step up
"Who told you? this is my story  I will be the one to dictate the ending"

He gain laugh and quickly returned to his poker face
" No you are wrong, you got it wrong from the start, It's my story. It is only written in your point of view, Rogue "

I have no time to listen to his nonsense, we have to get out of here or we'll die for real.

We went towards Flare Onyx

"No just leave me here, in my current situation, I will not be able to swim, If you bring me with you, all of you might not be able to survive too" she grunts

I keep on insisting to bring Flare Onyx with us but Zymophore Kriegspiel pulled me

"Rogue Argonne, the water keeps on rising we need to get out of here as soon as possible or we'll die here"

We swam out of his office, water is a bit higher in other parts of the structure.

I see people, those sinners. They are drowning to death.

More than one grim reapers are needed here, for sure, hell will be busy tonight.

They'll be having accommodations for all the floors of hell tonight.

Something hard hit my head, the last thing I remember is the plea of the drawing people.

Will I end here like them?

My vision blurred as I sink to the bottom.


ENCRYPTED :  The Man Behind The MaskWhere stories live. Discover now