Chapter 5: I need to get strong

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Oh man it feels  so good to be back

So long story short shit happened and my break got extended


Now on to the story

By the way I have noticed that some of you are failing to comment,

I am not begging you but all I want to know is if my story is good or not, I know my story is far from perfect but I want to improve so please try and send me your ideas and opinions so I can do better

"Kurama talking"

Zoro's POV
I was sleeping on the mast of the boat when I felt a slight tugging on my shoulder where naruto had placed his raijin seal

I got up and looked at the slightly glowing seal Robin passed me and noticed the seal "what is going on" she asked crouching in order to inspect the seal "I think naruto is trying to summon me" I said "well then he must need your help" Robin evaluated, I hummed in agreement and let the seal take me to the location.

I found myself in front of kurama in chibi form "what happened, why did you summon me" I inquired "naruto needs your help, he and his team are facing Zabuza, a very powerful swordsman" kurama said, my interest peaked when I heard swordsman I looked to see that naruto was almost impaled by Zabuza, so I rushed into action and blocked his huge sword with Wado Ichimonji in my left hand and Sandai KitetsuWado

After naruto, left I started to get serious

3rd's POV

Zoro and Zabuza's stare down lasted a few more seconds before they both ran at each other

Their swords clashed and they were engaged in a test of strength, eventually it ended in a draw.

They both jumped back then charged again swinging their swords at each other eventually Zabuza managed to slice Zoro's chest just enough to draw blood, zoro leaped back and got his swords ready with one sword in his mouth and the others in his hands "Santoryo" (sorry if I misspelled it😅) he said with his swords raised

He charged forward and suddenly he was behind Zabuza
"Onigiri!" he said and with that Zabuza fell with slashes engraved on his chest then that Zabuza turned to water as it was a water clone

Zoro looked around and saw the real zabuza holding kakashi in the water prison jutsu

Zoro rushed to him and zabuza had to let go of the jutsu realising kakashi, but as zabuza jumped he was met with a hard double kick from naruto and Sasuke which flung him to a near by tree.

Just as zoro was about deal the finishing blow, two senbon needles came flying and hit Zabuzas neck 'killing' him

Zoro went to check his pulse "he's dead" zoro said in a monotone voice "thank you" said a masked figure "I have been looking for him for weeks now" the person said "and you are?" zoro asked, but before he could answer, kakashi spoke "he is a hunter nin,  his job is to hunt down rouge ninja" kakashi said looking warily at the masked figure "yes I am now I must dispose of him" said the hunter nin and disappeared along with Zabuzas body

Zoro sighed "alright Tazuna-san we must leave" kakashi said, Tazuna nodded "ok let us go to my house" Tazuna said, they all nodded

At Tazuna's house
As Tazuna opened the door he was pulled into a hug by a blue haired young woman "tou-san I'm so glad your safe" she said "yes its thanks to theses ninja that I'm safe " Tazuna said "hi I'm tsunami, Tazuna's daughter, thank you for protecting shinobi-san" the woman said

"No problem miss" naruto said smiling kindly "you all look tired, please come in" tsunami said and led them too their rooms

Naruto stayed with Sasuke, Zoro, kakashi and Nemma while Sakura stayed with Mito in a separate room

After a few minutes kakashi called his genin while zoro was asleep

"Listen I have some bad news" kakashi said "Zabuza is still alive" naruto said calmly "What" Nemma said "how is that possible?" Nemma asked, "simple" Sakura started "the place the senbon  needles landed, it only serves to put your opponent in a death like state" Sakura explained

"And how would you know anything about it" Mito said sort of scared because that implied that zabuza was still a lingering threat, she also kinda spoke quite smugly as if her claims were irrelevant

"Why you-" Sasuke started but was cut off by Sakura speaking once again

"No Sasuke" she said facing Sasuke she then faced Mito "I know this because I have studied medical ninjutsu and human anatomy for years, also senbon needles are although quite dangerous when used correctly, not lethal" Sakura explained

"So there's still a chance that Zabuza will attack later" Sasuke said worriedly "exactly, that's why you all are going to train" kakashi said, they all looked at him expectantly "well the training regiment will go like this I will train Sasuke and Sakura while Naruto, Nemma and Mito will have a different teacher" kakashi said coolly

Naruto looked at kakashi suspiciously then it dawned on him 'oh no' he thought 'OH YEAH' Kurama said in an excited tone which unnerved naruto, he gulped

All through out  his life he has never seen a more evil sensei, kurama put him through hell and now it was happening again

"Who is it?" Mito asked oh so unaware of their impending horror "that will be reviled in due time, for now please rest your gonna need it for tomorrow" kakashi said menacingly and left the room shortly followed by Nemma and Mito

Then Sasuke and Sakura looked at naruto who was drenched in cold sweat "what's wrong, do you know who your sensei will be" Sakura asked in a concerned tone "um yeah, I think I have an idea" he said and walked out.

<<<<later at dinner>>>>
Zoro, Kakashi his team were sitting with Tazuna and his daughter eating dinner

"Um naruto who do you think our teacher will be" Mito asked a bit nervously "what, your not calling me demon anymore?" naruto said coldly

Mito looked down shyly "oh don't worry I'm just joking" Naruto said jokingly Mito sighed in relief

"And to answer your question no I don't know who it will be" Naruto lied "I'm honestly a little worried for you two" he said pointing at Sasuke and Sakura "kaka-nii won't  go easy on you" naruto said putting a piece of food in his mouth "what do you mean?" Sasuke asked

But before anyone else could talk a little boy came in and started yelling "why do you even try, no matter how much you train your all just gonna die anyway" the boy spat "how do you know?" naruto asked putting his chopsticks down "you guys have no business here, you know nothing about this country, the weak will always be killed" Inari said venomously "you all run around so happily but you know nothing about pain and" Inari yelled

In less than a second naruto was pining Inari to the wall with a crazy smirk on his face "why don't you tell me that to my face" naruto said "you act like the star in a drama and talk to me about pain" naruto said realising his KI "my life up until a few months ago was nothing but pain, hated by the villagers neglected by my parents, don't you dare preach to me about suffering!" Naruto yelled making Inari cry

He dropped him and dropped Inari and walked towards the door "where are you going?" Nemma asked "to blow up some trees" he said and walked out

Oh wow it fells so good to be back sorry if it's a little short but I'll try to make them longer, but I hope you like this chapter, if you did please vote, comment and share

Ja ne

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