•The Resurrection•

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So you both woke up the next morning to find yourselves both very angry at the man that shot Eric and his wife.
You both quietly snuck into their house in the morning. Eric saw the man sitting there in bed with his girlfriend. "Who are you?" He asked you. "Who am i?" Eric asked stepping in front of you. "Eric." He said shocked. He didn't look surprised that he was there ,i mean he did but it was like he was expecting it, there was more to the story. Eric shot the man. He shot Eric twice in the artery. "Eric!" You yelled as you ran towards him. You yelled as you ran towards the man shooting him in the head ,it instantly killed him. "Eric." You said. You whimpered in fear. "I'm dead remember?" Eric chuckled. You sighed as he raised up and you hugged him. "I love you Eric!" You exclaimed kissing him. "I love you too." Eric said hugging you. So after a very long day you and Eric went and got married and you both went back to his house and started a life together. You moved everything in ,it took you two weeks or so. But you began to question weather you should tell all of your secrets but then again..why cover up lies with more lies? "Eric there's something you don't know about me." You cried. "What is it babe?" He asked looking very concerned. "I had a boyfriend, at one time his name was Deacon. He umm..we were together for over six years...we had a baby girl." You cried. "Eric I'm sorry." You cried sobbing into his t-shirt. "Shh...shhh." He said. "Where is she?" He asked. "He umm...he shot her." You said as you sat in front of the couch and sobbed Eric began to cradle you in his arms.
"I love you." He said as he kissed your forehead.

Eric's POV:
"Well now that i can live life openly and freely i can chose where i wanna be ,what my purpose is ,who I wanna be ,who I wanna be with. My 27 years i never thought that I could love another person more than I loved you ,i still don't know if i do ,and I'm still working on forgiveness and everything ,but it's just so hard. I'm writing this so you will know that I'm happy like you wanted me to be. I still have a pain inside of me knowing that I can't spend it with you. I love Blair and I can be happy now. I just hope that you can forgive me and know that I will always be yours ,Blair knows that too."
                                    Eric Draven.
Eric wrote as he set the letter beside his ex-wifes grave. "You okay?" You asked him. "I'm sorry Blair." He cried. "I know you love me. But i know you loved her first." You cried. "It's okay." You said laughing. "I wish I could've met her ..and told her how lucky she is." You said wiping the tear with your hoodie sleeve. Then Eric realized that he loved you more than he could love anyone else ,and even though he did love her first he seemed to love you ,differently,with a different passion. It was a stronger feeling with you and him.

Eric woke from his dream ,he looked over at you to notice that you were still sleeping. "You okay?" You asked him. "Yeah..just a dream." He smiled. "Well ,you know what I dreamed about last night?" You asked him as he held you in his arms. "What?" He asked. "That we had a babygirl." You smiled. "Maybe someday." He said as he kissed you. "You know that dream was weird because I'm not really rushing kids ..I don't know I think I would need some time first you know?" You laughed. Eric kissed your cheek as he began to play with your hair. You leaned in to hug him.
Well eventually 2 years later you did have a babygirl. Alex Blair Draven.
OC actress Raffey Cassidy

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