Rikki Rockett- 

One day, Rikki was out on a walk, when he saw a baby stroller heading for the road! Rikki acted fast and saved the stroller, when a crying sound hit his ears

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One day, Rikki was out on a walk, when he saw a baby stroller heading for the road! Rikki acted fast and saved the stroller, when a crying sound hit his ears.  He opened the cover and found a newborn baby, who had a pink/blue blanket wrapped around it.  "Oh, you poor little girl/boy.  I better get you to the hospital and have a doctor look at you."  He said as he took the baby back to his car and drove off to the nearest hospital.   Once there, Rikki got a nurse and told her  about the baby girl/boy he had found and that he needed to see a doctor right away.   Once the doctor came in and did a full examination on the baby, Rikki had told the doctor that he believes that the parent(s) were trying to "get rid" of their baby, so they just abandoned the little girl/boy.  "I see. I'll have the police look into this, but Mr. Rockett, I must ask. Since you found and saved the baby girl/boy, would you like to adopt the baby?" The doctor asked as Rikki nodded.  "I'll leave you two alone for a minute, while I get a nurse to get the adoption papers." The doctor said as Rikki held his soon-to-be newborn baby daughter/son.  "Hi baby girl/boy. Guess what? I'm going to be your new daddy. I promise to be the best daddy ever to you and I promise that I will always be there to protect you." He said as the baby started to fall asleep. "(Chuckles) I guess it's naptime for you, huh y/n." He cooed softly as you cooed at your name.  "Y/n Rockett. I love the sound of that. My little Rockett." Your new daddy said as he took you to the nurse's station and filled out the adoption papers. 

Bobby Dall- 

One night, while at home, Bobby heard a knock at his door

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One night, while at home, Bobby heard a knock at his door.  "Now who can that be at this late hour?" He said as he got up and answered the door, but saw that no one was there. "Damn kids." He said as he heard a crying sound.  He looked down and saw a little baby, left all alone. "Oh, you poor baby. Let me bring you inside and get you warmed up." He said as he brought the baby inside and started a warm bath for the little baby.  The baby cried, but Bobby gently rocked back and forth, calming the baby right away.   Bobby didn't have any baby items, so he improvised a baby bath tub from a basin.  Once bath time was over, Bobby got the baby dressed in two of his old t-shirts: one for a diaper and the other as onesie.  "Let's get you more warmed up, little one." He cooed as he started to make a fire in the fireplace.  Once the fire was burning, Bobby picked up the baby, who snuggled into chest and went to sleep. Bobby smiled at the sight of the sleeping baby and decided to name the baby, y/n.  "Goodnight y/n. Daddy loves you." He said as held you close.  

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