[the lucky compass]

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(tw: sex, violence and drugs.)

A few days have passed since the whole... bonfire incident, but I can assure you that it is now the least of my worries.

After John B found that compass from the shipwreck, we went on this sort of goose hunt to a lighthouse which didn't even have any information.

Instead, we had to go to Redfield mausoleum, where Kie found a package that was addressed from John B's dad to him.

And you will not believe what was in that package. The exact location of the Royal Merchant's shipwreck.

Now all we need to do to get 400 million in gold is to get a drone for the coordinates(which just so happens to be in Kook territory.)

Oh, did I forget to mention John B's house got robbed? Yeah. Long story short, JJ killed a chicken.

"We need to get that drone from the salvage yard." JJ says determinately, toying with a toothpick in his mouth.

"I'll distract the guard." Kie says, resting her head back on John B's couch.

"Guys, I don't think I can come." I say, fidgeting with my hair. I still have one more thing that I need to do.

As the others make their way to the salvage yard, I head over to- you've guessed it- Rafe's house on the other side of the island. I need to talk to him, to clear up what happened the other night. To clarify that it will never happen again.

After all, he's a Kook, and I'm a Pogue, born and raised. I can't make things more complicated, considering that Topper almost killed one of us the other day. Kooks are bad news, especially if it's Rafe.

The Cameron's grand mansion stands unopposed near the boardwalk of the beach.

I cautiously walk up to the front porch, preparing to knock on the door, but a voice from the window stops me.

It's muffled, but I can still hear Ward Cameron talking to what sounds like Rose.

"Look, I'm going to need you to trust me." He says.

"I- I don't know if I can." Rose relents. I can hear someone pacing around.

"I know it must be hard, but keeping this under wraps is crucial in upholding this family."

I raise my eyebrow. Keeping what under wraps?

"I need some air." Rose sighs.

Footsteps near the front door.

"Shit." I curse, scrambling behind the wall to keep away from their sight.

Peeking out from behind the wall, I see Ward following her outside.

"I'm so sorry, Rose. I'm trying to process this too." He wraps his arms around her.

She embraces him for a moment. "I trust you, Ward. I always will."


He takes her hand and leads her back into the house. I sigh in relief, their words still swimming in my head.

What the hell was all that about?

Maybe talking to Rafe can wait. I decide. I have to go find the others and tell them about this.

I kick rocks into the grass as I walk on the trail back home. What was Ward talking about, 'keeping things under wraps?'

My thoughts are cut short by an engine roaring not too far behind me. I whirl around and just barely manage to sidestep a guy on a motorcycle.

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