I smile, raising a White Claw to my lips and sipping. "Knew you were gonna do that. Alright, let's go."

JJ whoops, swinging his legs over the fence of John B's front porch and landing on the grass dramatically. Everyone else follows suit, leaving me alone on the porch to lock the door.

"Forget the door! Get your ass over here!" JJ yells, gesturing me over.
I laugh. "You sick bastards." I hop over and we take off into the sunset.

Seeing those Kooks in their silly little golf outfits immediately sends me into a sour mood. And it seems to be the case for the rest of our group. JJ and Kie death glare at them as a duo, and John B is staring at Sarah Cameron with her boyfriend, Topper.

If I didn't know better, I would say that John B has a little crush. But I know better. Right?

I look back at the mansions that line the beach and a certain someone catches my eye. Rafe Cameron. His blonde hair is in a messy middle part, his hangs hanging over his forehead. And you can't forget that signature Kook golf shirt. It's like every Kook automatically has one of those god forsaken shirts.

But I can't help but let my gaze linger on him for a moment too long. His body is chiseled underneath the shirt that he wears, ripples of abs showing through the fabric. His jawline could cut a rock with how sharp it is, and his pink lips look so soft.

He looks over in my direction and I whip my head around, hoping he doesn't see me. I feel his intense stare on my back. Shivers make their way up my neck.

Pope nudges me. "What's up?"

"Nothing." I shake my head. "C'mon guys, let's go have fun."

I grab a drink and make my way to the beach with my friends. Soon, one drink becomes two, and two become three. And now, I'm pretty damn drunk.

I can't walk in a straight line, and crash headfirst into John B, who catches me in his arms.

"Oh! Sorry." I pat his chest. "I may have drunk one too many beers."

He chortles. "You should probably go sit down and sober up."

I nod. "Yes. I should."

I go to the logs that sit at the edge of the sand and plop down. I see someone sit next to me out of the corner of my eye, but my eyesight is too blurry to know who it is. It's only until he speaks that I know exactly who he is.

"Hey." Rafe says, a bottle of beer in his hand.


I glare at him with the intensity of a thousand suns. Why, after all these years, does he want to speak to me now?

"The fuck do you want?" I snap.

"Woah, slow down. You're really drunk." He says, sloshing the beer around sloppily. What a hypocrite; he's just as drunk as I am.

I snicker sarcastically. "I don't need to be drunk to know that I don't want shit to do with you."

A tantalizing smirk plays on his lips. "Wow, I see how it is, C."

My eyes zero in on that smile. Is it just me, or is his crooked smile up close kind of attractive? I'm just drunk, batting the thought away as quickly as it came.

A surge of anger courses through me. "Why are you talking to me anyways, Rafe? Don't you have some other... Kook shit to do?" My voice raises as I get angrier. People's heads turn.

"Fuck, Celeste." He grabs my arm harshly and drags me farther away from other people. He leads me behind a small abandoned cabin behind the beach, where no one is. Though I'm drunk out of my mind, my danger alarm doesn't fail to go off.

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