Part 2 : Back from the Past

Start from the beginning

"Plus, you shouldn't overestimate Sensei's tests," Shiroi chimed in.

"You finally started talking," Uzu aggressively responded.

"Well, I had to say something, or you guys would overestimate the tests," Shiroi explained.

The time is up. (Sensei Says.) I'm impressed with you students, you're stepping up your game. But let's see how far you guys will reach. (Sensei Mysteriously said.)

*Part 2 of the exams*

Well, we passed the first test, I just hope we pass the last. (Shiroi sighs)

I know what to keep you guys from stressing too much. (Zumo emplied)

How? (All the boys asked?) Ok, I saw that Konahamaru did it, it was something like this( Zumo tries doing the Jutsu)

ahhh. Sexy Jutsu!!! Psssssh. Hey, Daddy hahaha!!! (Female Zumo flirts)

WTF!!!.... (The Boys Shouted)

Hahahaha (Jūden laughs)

Um, I want to smash that. (Uzu sexually emplied)

Ayo, that's gay, hahaha. (Kurai Replied)

*Random footsteps were approaching*

Hahaha, that was funny... (Jūden's sentence was interrupted.)

I should go to my mission. (Yamoshi responds)

Yamoshi is you, you're here? (Jūden surprisingly questioned)

*Jūden walks towards his brother and hugs him, 

Pssshh! (Zumo's Sexy jutsu vanishes) Your brother? (Kurai questioned)

Ya, this is my brother Yamoshi. (Jūden responded)

I just came around to watch how you're doing on the exams. (Yamoshi mentioned)

Well, can you say and watch? (Jūden asks)

I was here the whole time, but I can stay for a few mins. (Yamoshi mentioned)

Alright, let's do this guys!!!! (Jūden Shouted)

*As Yamoshi watched at Jùden's group of friends he looks at Shiroi the most*


Shuriken training!!! (Sensei shouted)
You must go through these five levels before 9:30. (Sensei explains)


*everyone starts picking their Shurikens out there pockets, Jūden beat the first level which was throwing a direct Shuriken from 50 meters to a tree target. Zumo passes with ease, and so does the rest of the boys

The second-stage students need to ensure that their Shurikens hit a tree target that is 30 meters away and behind them. Jūden performs this task quickly, and the boys move on to the third stage, which requires them to throw two Shurikens and land both on different targets. Jūden struggles with this stage, so he takes his time. Meanwhile, Zumo and Uzu complete the third stage effortlessly and move on to the fourth. It takes Jūden 10 minutes to hit both targets, but Kurai and Kakudai struggle for two minutes before finally succeeding and moving on. Shiroi observes their mistakes and also passes the stage. The Uchihas finish their exams early, leaving 17 minutes remaining. Kurai, Kakudai, and Shiroi help the others who are still struggling with the fourth stage.

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