Chapter 15: "Where all things are forgotten"

Start from the beginning

Finally, there was Mary.

Amelia didn't like her. Not a bit.

She was a hard woman to read, she kept herself away from the crowd and watched and listened. Only speaking if spoken to the sentences were usually short and right to the point.

Amelia could respect that as much as she hated to admit it.

The woman was respectful but also reclusive and anti-social which raised suspicion for Amelia. The only reason she did not keep a closer eye on the panther was that she trusted her Helmsman's judgment.

She also hated that the panther was also very attractive. Many of the men aboard turned their heads when the woman walked by which Amelia was grateful for she knew what that felt like.

For now, Amelia was going to keep an eye on the woman. Just in case.

Amelia absentmindedly listened to Josiah hum a tune to himself as she surveyed the deck and the planets and stars around them.

Whilst she admired the stars Amelia noticed the inky blackness of space grow a little darker and the stars dull a bit dimmer.

Almost as they had just cut through a veil of darkness into unknown abyss. The kind that swallowed you whole and never let you go.

Josiah noticed it too and formed a cross on his chest in cautious fear.

The crew's chattering came to a standstill as sailors start to notice the lights and lanterns on the deck dim and flicker making it harder for them to see in front of them.

Almost like a fog.

Amelia felt a shiver run down her spine.

Uncharted for a reason she supposed.

Captain Amelia cleared her throat and spoke.

"Maintain your heading Mr.Adams." Captain Amelia ordered barely keeping the shake in her voice reigned in.

Minutes passed by as the ship sailed into the darkness.

Josiah held the helm wearily, whilst Finn held the handle of his pistol as he scanned the fog.

And as things were starting to calm or be as calm as they could be under the circumstances. At one point in those unsettling minutes, one of the crewmen had accidentally kicked over a bucket onboard the ship.

The bucket tumbled with a loud clang! making Amelia jolt slightly.

Acting on reflex Finn drew his pistol and pulled back the priming hammer and pointed it right at the sailor's face.

"Sorry! Sorry!" The sailor said raising his hands in surrender. 

Amelia let out a sigh shaking off her rapidly beating heart rate and desperately tried to reign in her nervousness.

Finn pulled the trigger and eased the priming hammer down and holstered the weapon and pushed the sailor out of his way. The sailor stumbled then quickly made his way back to his station.

All the while no one noticed the shadow that peeked its head over the railing.

Meanwhile below decks, (Y/n) laid in his cot staring at the ceiling above him lost in thought. He knew they had entered the uncharted stars of space, He had immediately felt the same feeling of despair he felt the first time he crossed past the border of what was known and unknown.

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