You're Probably Insane

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Yes. School is quite possibly the worst thing that has ever happened to me. Anything that means anything to any profession I might choose to pursue I have taught myself, through my own means, on my own time, outside of school. Well, that's surprising, isn't it? Not for the reason adults might think. They might say "That's surprising that you could learn that much outside of school!" And that is true I guess. But here's the real question, "Where the heck did you get enough time to do any of that?" To be frank with you, I didn't. I made time by giving up other things, the number one sufferer of that being sleep. I am most awake, and always have been, between the times of ten o'clock am and one am. That being said, high school starts at seven thirty! As a functioning member of society with this hours of awake alertness, I might try and find myself a job which has hours of 10 to 8 or maybe even work a night shift. Guess what? School still starts at 7:30 in the freaking morning. If I want to do any sort of thing other than just my 7 hours of school, get home do my 3 1/2 hours of homework, eat, and then sleep, I have to be place at 5:30 in the morning. Not wake up, be there. Then not only that but to look good so that I can get into yet another school so I can finally do something I want to in life, I will either have a job or find myself at after school rehearsal for band. So to be at swim practice I have to be awake at 4:35 at latest so I can be ready to leave by 5:05 so I can be at the natatorium by 5:25 and put my goggles on and my stuff in the locker room. Then I won't get home from band practice that afternoon until 4 when its all said and done. I have about 3 1/2 hours of homework when I'm dead focussed, God knows how much when I'm out of it or I'm extra ADD. It's 7:30 at earliest and I still have to eat. It's 8:45 and I have a long term project that is due two weeks from now that I actually have to start on. Two hours later It's 10:45 and I'm one third of the way done with that project and I have to be up at 4:35 tomorrow morning.

Five hours and fifty minutes of sleep.

That's just a normal night. Not mentioning the nights where you have an extra something, you have makeup work, you have a concert, church, anything!

Why? As an adult does this sound familiar? Treat me like I'm your age and tell me if you have free time for yourself, what ever you want?

Aren't kids suppose to play? What happened to that?

People tell us that in high school your group of friends will be determined by the group you put yourself in. And looking at the numbers I know why. Cause those kids you are swimming with and those kids you are performing with are the only people you get to spend time with cause there are only 24 hours in a day.

Look, I'm in middle school, and I already hate high school. Goodness, I hate school in general! The people who enjoy school are few and far between, cause I don't see how you can be sober and enjoy this kind of thing! I may hate math and find it annoying and basically irrelevant, but that doesn't mean I'm not good at it. I'm good enough at math to know, these numbers don't look pretty.

I don't expect high school to be easy, no matter how much I wish it were, but no group of people, no matter how big, should be able to decide to make hell of the lives of the people who want to get somewhere in life.

I, Meg, hate school. And it has nothing to do with the people who are there. It has to do with the way it is presented, the illogical approach, the concept, and the dictation without representation.

I'm done putting up with this. I'm an adult stuck in a thirteen year old's screwed up body. Help.

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