chapter twenty one

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tw: guns, blood
also i have no idea if any of the things mentioned in this are medically correct

'ellis parker, NYPD! come out from behind the wall with your hands on your head!' the latina yelled into the warehouse, facing the wall she thought ellis was behind

'the building's surrounded,' charles announced. 'you're not getting away.'

the criminal blindly shot at the five cops who were in the building, narrowly missing rosa's arm

'drop the weapon ellis! if you cooperate with us, you won't get sent down for as long,' rosa shouted

'i only want diaz in here, you can arrest me but i wanna talk to you first.' the man yelled

'you get me and one other cop or we'll arrest you right now.'

'i'll take it,' he slid his gun across the floor in the sergeant's direction before stepping out from behind the wall with his hands up

'murray, jones, davidson, you guys can go. we got it from here.' rosa commanded before the three of them left the warehouse. 'what do you want ellis.' rosa glared at him

'just wanted to see if you're doing okay after i defeated you last time,' the man grinned smugly

'you spent 18 months in prison and you're about get get sent down for life, i don't think you defeated me.'

'i know you haven't stopped thinking about me.'

'don't flatter yourself parker. you're spending the rest of your life in prison because i took your operation down, i don't think you have anything to celebrate.' rosa said and she moved towards parker. 'now if that's all you have to say, let's go.'

'how's your family doing? i heard you had a baby and got engaged,' he grinned slyly

'leave my family out of this.' rosa warned him as she roughly cuffed his hands behind his back. 'boyle, can you grab his gun,' rosa asked as she escorted ellis out of the building, although it wasn't really a question


'you made your statement, some uniformed officers are gonna take you for processing before they take you into holding.' rosa told him sternly as she pushed the brown haired man towards two uniformed officers

'congrats rosa, you got him.' amy strolled over to rosa's desk. 'and he's definitely going away for life.'

'yeh, thanks.'

'you okay? you got your guy but you don't seem very happy.'

'i just wanna get my paperwork done so i can get home, holt said i can take a couple days off.' the ravenette said as she sat back down at her desk

'right, of course. well... i told you you'd get him,' she said enthusiastically. 'and you did.'

'we got him santiago, even if you couldn't be there for the actual arrest he probably wouldn't be in holding now if it wasn't for you and boyle. thanks amy.'

amy smiled to which rosa smiled back slightly. 'have a good couple of days off,' she said as she walked back to her desk

rosa <3: we got him, i'll be home in an hour
gina <3: proud of you babe, we'll see you soon
rosa <3: i love you <3
gina <3: i love you more <3
rosa <3: i hope you know that's not true

rosa smiled at her phone before sitting back behind her desk and starting her paperwork for the case. the precinct had been particularly quiet all day; there were only a few perps in holding, including ellis, and most of them were only in for minor misdemeanours rather than major felonies, so the only paperwork rosa had to do was the one for ellis parker's case.

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