Story 7 : The hallucinations

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The sky was still dark, and the town was just beginning to wake up. But in one apartment, life was already up. A redhead, named Max, and a brunette, named Jane, were getting ready to go to work. Max was finishing her breakfast when Jane appeared in the kitchen, wearing her work outfit. The brunette quickly grabbed her coffee cup and drank it without sitting.

- "I'm late. Moussa is already here," Jane said, placing the cup in the kitchen sink.

- "Okay. Have a good day, Miss Cop," Max smiled.

- "Have a good day too, Miss Chef."

Jane leaned to Max to quickly kiss her, smiled, and left the apartment. Max finished her bowl of coffee with a smile on her face. They had been dating for ten years now, and Max was still smiling and blushing when Jane was around. At least she knew she had made the best decision when she asked her out. Jane was a policewoman now. She just became a sergeant a few days ago and was excited by her new function. Max had a new function too. She was working in a kitchen of a famous restaurant, and her Chef named her second-in-command. She had more power in the kitchen now and loved it. And if she didn't want to lose her promotion, she had to go before being late!

Max arrived in time at the restaurant. She put her work outfit and felt immediately better. She was in her element. She helped her Chef with the deliveries of the food before cleaning the kitchen again before the opening of the restaurant. The Chef let her motivate the cooks. She loved having new responsibilities. And she was good to motivate people. She made a quick speech before going to her kitchen counter. They were in the middle of the rush hour, and Max was feeling the adrenalin taking control of her body. It was like if she was flying above the kitchen, managing everything.

- "Chef Mayfield?"

- "What!?"

- "There is someone on the phone for you."

- "I'm working now!"

- "It's Jane, your girlfriend."

- "I know who Jane is! Tell her to call later!"

- "No, it's not that. It's the hospital. Jane got shot."

Max stopped moving. It couldn't be true. Her fairy tale couldn't end like that. She didn't want to live without Jane. It was too hard to imagine. She didn't say anything. The other cooks were all looking at her, expecting a movement or a word.

- "Go," the Chef ordered.

Max dropped her pans and left the restaurant. She was too worried to take the bus, so she decided to run in the streets. She didn't know how she did to run this fast, but she arrived quickly at the hospital. When she entered, a few policemen were in the emergency rooms, hurt. She recognized Moussa, Jane's colleague.

- "What happened!?" the redhead asked.

- "A high-speed pursuit with thieves. They had guns," Moussa explained, panting.

- "How is Jane!? Where is she!?"

- "In a private room. I don't know which one."

- "Is Bev coming for you?"

- "Yes, don't worry for me. I'm okay. Go to her."

Max nodded to thank him before asking the secretary the number of the room. When she got it, she quickly walked in the corridor before finding the room. She didn't even knock, too worried for this. Jane was laying down in a bed with a bandage on her head.

- "Oh my god, Jane! How are you?"

- "I'm okay, don't worry."

- "You got shot in the head and you tell me to not worry!? Jane! You could have died!"

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