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a/n : i forgot to state that the car that y/n used was given by haruchiyo, and it doesn't have a plate number. i also forgot to type that she didn't use the car she goes to work with.


looks like y/n's luck have run out, she's now on a tight chase with the cops. sweats running through her body as anxiety made her body shake, making it hard for her to do simple tasks like driving. she's completely clueless what to do. she felt hopeless, she felt like fainting, but she wanted to avoid getting separated from haruchiyo.

“i can't get caught. i don't want to.” she said repeatedly, slowly going insane. y/n was never good dealing with situations when she's nervous.

her phone started ringing, as soon as y/n saw the caller tag, she immediately answered it.

“haruchiyo… please help me. i didn't know there'll be cops around!” she said, on the verge of tears.

“oh yeah, i know. i sent them to make things more interesting. don't you like it when adrenaline rushes all over your body?”

“what?! why?” she said, finally loosing it as tears streams down her cheeks.

“you're getting boring, y/n. get the job done and prove your worth to me.” the male in the other line said before ending the call.

“no! haru-- wait!”

y/n tried to calm herself many times, but as the cops get closer and the sirens get louder, she felt like her heart is geting closer to leaving her body.

she then remembered that haruchiyo will be waiting at the bridge which gave her a faint hope of getting away, but her expectations got shattered when she saw no one but a long road ahead. she was left with no choice; hence, she picked up the hand gun that haruchiyo gave her on the first week of living with the male.

“man why am i crying? over that motherfucker who only sees me as something to use? i know I'm so much better than that,” she said with her maniacal grin, making herself feel better.

y/n deducted her speed before looking outside the window, still driving. she then pointed the gun at one of the police car's wheels before shooting one of the officer on the head with accuracy. then did the same thing with the other and another till no one can come after her.

actually, haruchiyo saw it all from the distance. he didn't let y/n handle things by herself, he was woried but wanted to see what the lady can do. he shook his head as he laughs. “that's my y/n.” he said, walking out of the dark on the foot of the bridge, waving to y/n.

“haruchiyo?!” she said while stopping the car.

the male leaned on her window while grinning, not saying anything.

“get in fucker! they might send more cops after us!” she said, woried about the both of them. the male got in whithout his grin leaving his face making his symetrical scar crease.

it wasn't long till they got away in the area, that's when y/n broke her silence and started sobbing while holding on to her hair. “what the fuck was that for, bastard? am i that worthless for you to set me up like that?”

haruchiyo was dumbfounded. to him, y/n had always been stubborn and strong wielded, he never thought that y/n would react this way. “i'm sorry… i didn't mean to make you feel that way. i didn't even know you would react that way.”

the female just ignored the other's presence as she cried her frustrations out, but she was caught off guard with haruchiyo's lips touching hers.

y/n didn't let go, she knew she wanted it too. seems like the male's warm lips took away all the anger out of her body through a kiss. she felt butterflies in her stomach. now, she's certain about her feelings towards him for sure.

they stayed in that position longer than expected. Thirty minutes felt like 10 seconds to the both of them. y/n broke out of the kiss due to lack of air.

“wanne go to the back seat?” the male said while stroking the lady's thighs.

“no can do, mister. not after putting me through all that.” she said firmly, pushing the male away.

“hmm. let me drive, let's switch seats.” he said, a bit disappointed, but he understood why y/n is acting this way.

y/n didn't say anything. they did switch seats and haruchiyo started driving. y/n felt tired, but she stayed awake, since something keeps bothering her.

“haru…oh soryy -- can i call you that?”

“ofcourse, sweetheart.” haruchiyo said while smiling, a genuine smile.

“what are we?” the other laughed histerically to the lady's question.

“all this time, I thought you were aware?" he said.

"ah, right. i shouldn't have assumed that I'm more than a secretary to you. how gullible--” haruchiyo kissed her again, but she pushed him away, worried about the car crashing.

“watch the road, haru!” she screamed.

“haven't i said it already? I'm your boyfriend, silly.” he said, giggling. “that must be why you're often professional when around me and flirt with me rarely, that's why i came to conclusion that you're a boring person to bein a relationship with.”

the female was left in awe, she didn't know what to say nor do but to stay quiet but to smile and nod.

“go to sleep now, since you've got your piece of mind. it'll be a long way before we get home.” he said with tender on his voice that made the butterflies stay longer on y/n's stomach.

“wouldn't you be lonely?”

“no, not at all. i used to drive alone all the time.” he said with his smile still not disappearing.


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